Hi, everyone i want to display the corresponding values when i click on the primary key ... How to do this in jsp...???

Thanks in advance

Using request, response and SQL API.

request method is one of the more basic one you sure u dont know that? or are you facing a different set of problem?

request method is one of the more basic one you sure u dont know that? or are you facing a different set of problem?

Why you are not coding? Please code and if you get some problems then ask for help.

   Class.forName("DB Driver");
   Connection cn=DriverManager.getConnection(url,username,password);
   Statement st=cn.createStatement();
   ResultSet rs=st.executeQuery("select * from tab where pkcol='" + request.getParameter("pk_text") + "'");
  if(rs.next()) {  // Found
          out.println(rs.getString(1) + ...... );
       out.println("Not found");
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