Hi everybody, Webish is glad to join you here at Daniweb. I'm an IT entusiast and I believe it's gonna be a:) worthwhile experience in here.

somedude3488 commented: Welcome to daniweb. Do not make pointless threads. -1
kvprajapati commented: Unfortunately keith has select second one. Welcome back - Make a good impression. +4

gud to see you here..
where are you from....
and what do ya do ?

Thank you. I'm from Kenya. Still in school.. What about you? I hope this is one of the most resourceful and friendliest places.

ya it is....
hope it helps in your learning

all the best...........


webish says :

Thank you. I'm from Kenya. Still in school.. What about you? I hope this is one of the most resourceful and friendliest places.

Yes It is.

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