Hi ,

I have a small requirement, which I am unable to complete.

I am having a gridview on the form, and the data is bined to the grid using ObjectDatasource that is inturn binding from a TableAdapter in the dataset.

I have all select,insert,update and delete commands specified.

When i click on update or insert or delete it is just working fine as it is intended to.

It is directly updating/inserting/deleting in the database.

My requirement now is it should not update directly in the database instead it should update the database on click of a "Save" button at the bottom of the page.

All the changes he had made till now in the grid should directly updated in the database at one shot.

I dont want to store in either in a variable or in a session. Because of the memory constraint.

Is there any efficient way. I have tried googling all around and one link I found which is similar is


The explanation is very clear but I need it with an example.

Thanks in advance.

You can use a gridview with only 2 hyperlink buttons and remaining columns as some importent details. In that buttons are "select" and "delete". okay?
when ever u click on select button ur page will redirected to anotherpage with that id as a querystirng. In the second page u can get the details in a page with table there you place the textboxes. So you can use ur save buttons to save the details.

Let me know if u have any questions on this.

Best Regards,

Thank you, For ur reply.

Kameswari: I am using AJAX on my page. I dont want it to be postback or redirected to other pages.

steve11: The url you have provided is most similar to my post, thanks, But as the guy asked in the post I need edit button for all the rows beacause of pagination.

Let me again explain My requirement briefly.

I have a grdiview , I will update or delete or insert rows(using commandbuttons) in the gridview. But it should not be affected directly in database untill i click on save button(which is outside the grid).

Conditions to achieve this are:
1. Should not use variables or sessions
2. Must use object datasource and Dataset located in APP_CODE folder

I hope there must be easiest way. as part of this reasearch some where else I found xmlserialzation would help working on it. I will let you know once it is done.

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