I am trying to dynamically populate a select box with Jquery and JSOn in my VB.Net ASP.Net application. The event is triggered in the selectedindexchanged of another ASP Dropdownlist in the page. I am getting my selectlist populated (thanks to http://www.codedigest.com/Articles/jQuery/224_Building_Cascading_DropDownList_in_ASPNet_Using_jQuery_and_JSON.aspx).

i am passing two values to the select box. ID and Text. The text is properly displayed in the list box. The trouble is that though i am able to get the ID part of the selected item in the select box with Request("SelectBoxname").ToString() method, i don't find any way to get the Text of the same while submitting my form.

Desperately in need of your help. Save me !


I will answer what I could understand,
In the ID part you can concatenate with the Display Text you can make it YouID$YourText
and then when you get the query string in the server side split them and take the id and text.

I don't prefer this but it is very simple to implement.
With me I would take the Display text and submit it as a parameter like what you did with ID. and then in the server I read the ID and text parameters.

does that help?

Hi Kronass

thank you very much. i need to do something in the same lines... can you please elaborate on : With me I would take the Display text and submit it as a parameter like what you did with ID. and then in the server I read the ID and text parameters


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