i would like to know what changes to do
for the following script so that it appear in internet explorer,its displaying fine in firefox

<!--JavaScript Tag // Tag for network 580: Traceworks // Website: Traceworks Super Website45 // Page: Traceworks Super Webpage45 // Placement: df92bda0-8b80-4014-9e84-2322e48ccc3e (2165154) // created at: Aug 28, 2009 1:21:52 PM-->
<script language="javascript"><!--
document.write('<scr'+'ipt language="javascript1.1" src="http://adserver.adtech.de/addyn/3.0/580/2165154/0/225/ADTECH;loc=100;target=_blank;misc=[timestamp];rdclick="></scri'+'pt>');
</script><noscript><a href="http://adserver.adtech.de/adlink/3.0/580/2165154/0/225/ADTECH;loc=300" target="_blank"><img src="http://adserver.adtech.de/adserv/3.0/580/2165154/0/225/ADTECH;loc=300" border="0" width="728" height="90"></a></noscript>
<!-- End of JavaScript Tag -->


There's nothing from this code that should appear in neither of them.
The code is fine - but are you sure you know what are you calling with that script and what does it do? Or at least why are you injecting alien script source in your page?

I have to agree with troy, It displays a banner for me and nothing more even when I add color in case I'm missing text or something.

So all seems fine to me.

its working in firefox but not displaying with ie
do you think there is a problem with my pc?
i got this script with a client,they told us to embed it on our web page.

There's nothing from this code that should appear in neither of them.
The code is fine - but are you sure you know what are you calling with that script and what does it do? Or at least why are you injecting alien script source in your page?

do you think .its a problem with my pc?
my index page where i am viewing this script is asp

I have to agree with troy, It displays a banner for me and nothing more even when I add color in case I'm missing text or something.

So all seems fine to me.

the script where i have embed this snippet is an asp page.do you think becoz of that i am not able to view it?


do you think .its a problem with my pc?
my index page where i am viewing this script is asp

No, I think there's no problem with your PC at all - your PC is secured.
But that script and its sourcee is not! Its on a list of adwares and spywares and your security is blocking it from downloading it's unwanted and dangerous content.

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