Hello frnd's...

Im new to web developement side.I have seeked a lot but i didnt got any idea that how to convert any kind of video files to flv type and display in that webpage.I have tried a lot but i didnt get any samples and code for this process.Can anyone help me how to do this.Awating for ur reply Experts...

Tks in Adv...


How about converting it so that it can be played with the silverlight media player using Expression Encoder

Hello Mr.ramesh i used ffmpeg.exe to convert my video files to flv file but i converts in command prompt but that converted flv file is not save in my folder .Kindly aid me

Awaiting for ur reply...

Tks in Adv...


Hello frnd's...

Can anyone say how to pass arguments for ffmpeg .exe in asp.net.When i use this

" ffmpeg -i D:\Source.wmv -s 480*360 -deinterlace -ab 32 -r 15 -ar 22050 -ac 1 + D:\Source.flv"

argument in command line in dos prompt its working fine.But when i use this in asp.net by passing arguments using System.Diagonistic;

Process ffmpeg;

"ffmpeg.StartInfo.Arguments ="-i "+ D:\\Source.wmv+"-s 480*360 -deinterlace -ab 32 -r 15 -ar 22050 -ac 1 " +D:\\ Source.flv; "

Its not converting my wmv file to flv.Can anyone debug and give me a proper solution for this still im in too choas...(huh)..and surfing for three days....

Awating for ur reply Experts....

Tks in Adv....


use bellow line for convering .wmv to flv

(ffmpegPath, " -i " + path + "\" + fileName + " -ar 22050 -ab 32 -f flv " + path + "\" + fn.ToString().Trim());

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