we have a thesis named online bus reservation system.. the system composes of three bus companies where passengers can reserve, cancel and reschedule a specific trip..

is it advisable for the customer to have a log in ???

how can we add a new bus company?? the added bus company must have a link for their own website..

any help logically and some resources for us to further understand...

tnx in advance!

You can controll all this things if you create the admin side for the user side feature u talking about.
So you can add any number of bus companies that way from the admin side and those wil reflect in the user side of it.
About the login, it can provide ur site with some permanent users or which we can say as a frequent visitor but at the same time if u providing all the important features to the site after login only it wil reduce the number of active users on ur site.
First try to create to the db, it will help u.

by the way.. i'm using php and mysql as my database...

sad news is, we already created a static website for the 3 default bus companies...

if we're going to have adding of bus companies.. we feel it will be a major revision in our system for our defense is this week...

and if our panelist insist of adding a bus company.. can you please help me how to solve this problem.. and persuade them not to add... what are the reason why we shouldn't add.. we must defend the system that adding is not a good option.. somethings like that...

by the way.. i'm using php and mysql as my database...

sad news is, we already created a static website for the 3 default bus companies...

I assume u means static as html only.

if we're going to have adding of bus companies.. we feel it will be a major revision in our system for our defense is this week...

i dont think so if u using any flexible scripting language like PHP.

and if our panelist insist of adding a bus company.. can you please help me how to solve this problem.. and persuade them not to add...

u can always pursuade them to hav an admin side of the site, if they r gonna do such changes quite frequently.
And moreover why u r so concerned abt adding more buses, i culdnt understand unless i see hw u showing the buses/data whatevr thorugh the html .

Member Avatar for diafol

Huh, insisting on being unable to add a bus company is verging on the ridiculous. If a company went bust or they'd have to be replaced by another or others (plural). Defending a "static" site for a client is a non-starter. If I were you, I'd get busy with a redesign and serious upgrade.

Customers should have a login, else how would they be able to cancel their reservations etc. They would need to have their username/pw/e-mail/address stored. If they wanted to change their stored details - they'd need a way to log in.

May I suggest the following:

Admin area
1) create a folder, called admin
2) create an index.php page in it with a menu of admin features
e.g. link to users details (users.php)
link to bus company details (bus.php)
3) On the users/bus pages, have a list of records from the db table with something like EDIT/DELETE links to each one. In addition have an ADD form to allow you to add a bus.

Testing add and edit forms and delete routines will take time.

4) have a login form appear on each page (right at the top) or at least a link to a login page - you can do this with an include file.

5) the form then accepts info and stores the user's details in $_SESSION variables.

6) If the user is admin, show the admin link somewhere on each page - if time allows, have another security login - otherwise just link to the admin index file.

7) A registration page for users to sign up - the details of which will be stored in your users table.

8) Have a user's details page so that a logged in user can change his/her details (e.g. e-mail etc).

9) Can users view their bookings and make amendments?

That's off the top of my head. I've probably missed a good few things.


registration.php (just a form)
login.php (just a form)
logout.php (just unsets session variables)
profile.php (an edit form with user details - pre-filled from db)

[form handling routines for each form]

admin/index.php (just links to admin functions)
admin/bus.php (add or edit form - depending on scenario + delete link)
admin/user.php (edit form + delete link)

Provide both options to customer , that is they can decide to register , or they can use your website just for the time being.

Do you have database design ?

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