Hi frnds...

Here i am creating thumbnail image...the code is working fine...

The variables are not working calling funtion....if i give static path, its working fine...

incase of dynamic path it displays some errors,but image created..image with full black(no photo).......plz check the below code...

function createthumb($name,$filename,$new_w,$new_h){
	if (preg_match('/jpg|jpeg/',$system[1])){
	if (preg_match('/png/',$system[1])){
if ($old_x > $old_y) {
if ($old_x < $old_y) {
if ($old_x == $old_y) {
if (preg_match("/png/",$system[1]))
} else {


mkdir($dir)or die("Filename all ready exits");
$dir1="$dir"."/"."$photo1" ; //working....
if($photo1!=""){move_uploaded_file($_FILES['photo1']['tmp_name'], $dir1);}


createthumb('$dir1','$dir/thumbs/$photo1',100,100);//Not working(problem here only)

It displays errors:

Notice: Undefined variable: src_img in C:\wamp\www\vvvv.com\admin\thumb.php on line 12

Warning: imagesx(): supplied argument is not a valid Image resource in C:\wamp\www\vvvv.com\admin\thumb.php on line 12

Notice: Undefined variable: src_img in C:\wamp\www\aaa.com\admin\thumb.php on line 13

Warning: imagesy(): supplied argument is not a valid Image resource in C:\wamp\www\vvvv.com\admin\thumb.php on line 13

Notice: Undefined variable: src_img in C:\wamp\www\aaa.com\admin\thumb.php on line 27

Warning: imagecopyresampled(): supplied argument is not a valid Image resource in C:\wamp\www\vvvv.com\admin\thumb.php on line 27

Notice: Undefined variable: src_img in C:\wamp\www\aaa.com\admin\thumb.php on line 36

Warning: imagedestroy(): supplied argument is not a valid Image resource in C:\wamp\www\vvvv.com\admin\thumb.php on line 36

Id write this line of code as


Give that a try.

well, if the problem is on line 48, the most sinister actors would be the 2 arguments '$dir1' AND '$dir/thumbs/$photo1'

- try outputting these strings before you call the function, and see what they contain.
e.g. echo "++$dir1++$dir/thumbs/$photo1++";

well, if the problem is on line 48, the most sinister actors would be the 2 arguments '$dir1' AND '$dir/thumbs/$photo1'

- try outputting these strings before you call the function, and see what they contain.
e.g. echo "++$dir1++$dir/thumbs/$photo1++";

Your issue is your using single quotes ' instead of double quotes " as a string with a variable in it.
on line 48 you have:

createthumb('$dir1','$dir/thumbs/$photo1',100,100);//Not working(problem here only)


createthumb("$dir1","$dir/thumbs/$photo1",100,100);//Not working(problem here only)

the problem is, that when you use single quotes '$myvar' will actually be the string $myvar instead of the variable myvar. PHP does not parse inside single quotes, only double quotes.

hope that helps.

Hi friends...

Thanks 4 ur suggestions...
the total path taking correctly...But instead of creating thumbnail image..it creates blank thumbnail image....

But when the path giving statically it create correct thumbnail image...plz check the above code....

Thanks in advance...

Saritha K

Thanks for sharing your ideas it can help me a lot...

function createthumb() expect the first parameter to be image file name and i guess $filename is the directory path.
I think there is problem with you passing as $dir1, it seems to be made from $dir and some dir structure.Also what comes in $dirid is not been clear

function createthumb() expect the first parameter to be image file name and i guess $filename is the directory path.
I think there is problem with you passing as $dir1, it seems to be made from $dir and some dir structure.Also what comes in $dirid is not been clear

hey ..


this is my code...

mkdir($dir)or die("Filename all ready exits");
mkdir($tdir)or die("Filename all ready exits");
//$dir1="$dir"."/"."$photo1" ;
//$dir2="$dir"."/"."$photo2" ;
//$dir3="$dir"."/"."$photo3" ;
//$dir4="$dir"."/"."$photo4" ;

$dir1="$dir/$photo1" ;
$dir2="$dir/$photo2" ;
$dir3="$dir/$photo3" ;
$dir4="$dir/$photo4" ;

if($photo1!=""){move_uploaded_file($_FILES['photo1']['tmp_name'], $dir1);

It creates Blank thumnail image...no errors....

did you noticed that you checking with image type against jpeg/jpg and png, check which format image you passing, when blank thumbnail gets created.

did you noticed that you checking with image type against jpeg/jpg and png, check which format image you passing, when blank thumbnail gets created.


here i m using same image for both static testing & dynamic...i.e JPEG.....

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