
I had a php based website and my home page is index.php. In that index.php page I called an another page (inner.php) using iframe. And works fine. Now I had heared that goolge calculate iframe objects as the virus or something like that blacklist our website. Is there is any chance for that. Also please let me know is there is any other method for import a php in to the cell of an another php page other than the iframe method.


It's sure that google doesn't read iframes, but I can't say they think it are viruses, I also used iframes a lot, but people told me it was a bad habbit.

Solution: Use require(_once) or include(_once) instead of iframes, google will read those! and you don't see the difference.

I hope this will help you :)

This is from the top of my head but try something like this:

<div style="width:100%;height:500px;scrollbars;border-style:solid;overflow:no;overflow-Y:auto;background-color:#FFFFFF;border:1px;border-color:#AAAAAA;">
<?php echo file_get_contents('http://www.yoursite.com/file.php'); ?>

Also in the file your embedding, do not have any body or head tags in the included file. So in the example above, file.php would have no body tags and no head tags.

All of the following work:


Thanks to all to the kind help

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