Hi All,

I am getting a rabdom date from the db. Now for each date that I get I have to reduct 3.
For example:
I get 02/12/2005
The new date supposes to be: 30/11/2005

How can I do that?


Member Avatar for nicentral

Are you asking how you can subtract 3 months from a date? Pretty easy, use the vbscript dateadd function. I know it sounds backwards, but if you add a negative number you'll be subtracting in essence. In your case you would do it this way dateadd("m", -3, 02/12/2005)

Makes sense?

I meant 3 days but it's the same :p
Thanks, it helps


If u r using VbScript simple gice CDate("urDate")-3

What does you query look like ??

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