I would like to know if people would be interested in participating building similar starting thread like we have in Java section Starting "Java" [Java tutorials / resources / faq], but targeting Java web development.

This thread would hold resources (where to get the things, configurations, basic usage and any tips&tricks) in regards of servers (Tomcat, GlassFish, JBoss, and others), databases (Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, HSQLDB, and others) and available web technologies(servlets, Java Server Pages, Java Server Faces, JavaServer Pages Standard Tag Library and others).

Additional comments are welcome.

kvprajapati commented: Good suggestion. +18

I have been reading this thread and didn't notice the poll. I believe the "Read Me" thread with the MVC tutorial is very nice guide to start with.
But we do need a guide with links to tutorials that will cover the aspects described in the tutorial with more detail

Good suggestion, Indeed. The 'Read Me' thread has great value and adding some sticky threads (as suggested by Peter) to the Java web development will helps the community.

OK, everybody agrees we need Java web development where to start thread. I'm not sure if I will be able to start working before end of the month, but hopefully by middle November something should be up. So watch JSP section :)

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