
Is there some way by which a web application design view should remain the same even if the resolution of the screen is changed?

Please reply


We need to use relative position for all html pages,and also its only working in IE6

You may use a table with fixed width in pixels, if you do not want the page to resize when the screen resolution is changed.

Redirect webpage according to resolution. Design your webpages for different resolution use javascript to detect the resolution.


switch(screen.width) {
 	case 640: goToPage('640x480.aspx'); break;
 	case 720: goToPage('720x480.htm'); break;
 	case 800: goToPage('800.htm'); break;
 	case 848: goToPage('848x480.htm'); break;
 	case 1024: goToPage('1024.htm'); break;
 	case 1152: goToPage('1152x864.htm'); break;
 	case 1280: goToPage('1280x1024.htm'); break;
 	case 1600: goToPage('1600x1200.htm'); break;
 	default : goToPage('800x600.htm'); break;
function goToPage(url) {


<script type="text/javascript" src="screenRes.js"></script>
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