I have a tree am working it dynamically on server side.
i want on click an image like loading to appear. anyone knows how to workout this with div and span???

any little example?

Maybe you could give us a little example of your code so we can better understand what you'd like to achieve.

I think that I follow your description right until after the image that you want to appear onClick. My guess is that you want an image to appear when you click on a "branch" of your tree menu!?


tree menju like that. on node click, so that the ones below to open I want to show "Loading image" , how can i do it?

i have no sample code, coz i dont know how to acvhieve it. i just have the tree

If u want sample code am trying

var cwin = window.open('loading.gif','Loading', 'width=10,height=10,');
var idDescr = getRequest("realclass.jsp?action=load&value="+f1+"&nodeIndex="+value+"&value1="+z+"&treeid="+treeid+"&level="+level);
if(value == -1 || value == 0)
document.getElementById("menutitlee").innerHTML = idDescr;
document.getElementById(p).innerHTML = idDescr;

menutitlee or p are div. so when on node click, by get request am going to the server side to get new nodes. dont concern urself with that.
so before opening i am opening new window with loading image, after nodes are opened i close the window.

i dont want to do it window. i want to do it span inside div, with loading image to be shown.

nobody wants to help. god bless this world

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