like in my previous posts, I have a search.php file and a searchResults.php file. There is a drop down menu on the search.php file and it has various methods to search a table in my DB like EmployeeID, EmpName, Team, Department, and Manager. i got all the rest working; however, i need to find a way for the searchResults.php file to distinguish if either the user is entering a managerID or a manager Name without adding another selection on the drop down menu. ie) if the user selects search for Manager in the menu and types in an ID number, the searchResult.php file will be able to know if an ID was entered or a name. How can I do this, right now this is what I have:
case ($method=='ManagerID'):
exit("Please Fill in the Manager ID or name you want to search.
Click <a href=search.php>here</a> to go back.</p>");
echo"<i>Your search for {$_POST['query']} had the following results:</i>";
mysql_select_db("titans", $con);
$XX = "<font color=red>No Record Found</font>";
$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM Employee WHERE $method = '$search'");
$numrow = ceil(mysql_num_rows(($query)));///changed
$space=' ';
echo"<table class='full'>";
echo"<th></th><th>ID</th><th>Employee Name</th><th>Title</th><th>Team</th><th>Department</th></tr>";
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($query))
echo"<tr><td class='view'><form action='employee.html' method='post'><div><input type='submit' value='View' class='button' /></div></td><td name='userID' class='id'>{$variable3}</td></form><td name='userName' class='record'>{$variable1}{$space}{$variable2} </td><td name='userTitle' class='record'>{$variable7}</td><td name='userTeam' class='record'>{$variable5}</td><td name='userDept' class='record'>{$variable4}</td></tr>";
if (!$variable3)
print ("$XX");
exit('<p> Click <a href=search.php>here</a> to go back.</p>');
//////////If user enters a Full name this will parse the string
$full = $_POST['query'];
$n = sscanf($full, "%s %s", $first, $last);
$Mangr= sqlQuery("SELECT * FROM Employee WHERE EmployeeFName like '$first' AND EmployeeLName like '$last'");
echo"<table class='full'>";
echo"<th></th><th>ID</th><th>Employee Name</th><th>Title</th><th>Team</th><th>Department</th></tr>";
$Mangr= sqlQuery("SELECT * FROM Employee WHERE EmployeeFName like '$first'");
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($Mangr))
echo"<tr><td class='view'><form action='employee.html' method='post'><div><input type='submit' value='View' class='button' /></div></td><td name='userID' class='id'>{$variable3}</td></form><td name='userName' class='record'>{$variable1}{$space}{$variable2} </td><td name='userTitle' class='record'>{$variable7}</td><td name='userTeam' class='record'>{$variable5}</td><td name='userDept' class='record'>{$variable4}</td></tr>";
$Mangr= sqlQuery("SELECT * FROM Employee WHERE EmployeeFName like '$first' AND EmployeeLName like '$last'");
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($Mangr))
echo"<tr><td class='view'><form action='employee.html' method='post'><div><input type='submit' value='View' class='button' /></div></td><td name='userID' class='id'>{$variable3}</td></form><td name='userName' class='record'>{$variable1}{$space}{$variable2} </td><td name='userTitle' class='record'>{$variable7}</td><td name='userTeam' class='record'>{$variable5}</td><td name='userDept' class='record'>{$variable4}</td></tr>";
if (!$variable3)
print ("$XX");
exit('<p> Click <a href=search.php>here</a> to go back.</p>');
but I cant get it to work!!
Can anyone help? PLEASE!!