I'm just curious to see what are favorite PHPers in terms of the following:
1. What is your favorite IDE (If you can tell why you love it, it will ice the cake)?
2. What is your favorite JS/PHP libraries (I would love to hear why)
3. What PHP framework do you use?
4. Anything else related?

starting with myself:
I use Aptana for now but I don't like the way PHP/JS/HTML/CSS are dis-integrated (PDT??). I'm thinking to go back to Netbeans PHP

My favorite JS library is JQuery. It happen to be the first to test and loved it. I don't use any famous framework and.... I love my country ;)

Member Avatar for diafol

This has been done to death EV. Anyway...

1. Aptana/Netbeans/Notepad++ and Dreamweaver (don't laugh).
2. Prototype for Ajax (js), sometimes Scritpaculous, Mootools, Yahoo! Pipes.
3. I don't like frameworks, they confuse the hell out of me. Stupid I know.
4. I can fart the first line to 'Men of Harlech'.

Its true ardav, but new things comes out and bumping years old forum isn't beautiful

commented: Fair point - you're right +5
Member Avatar for diafol

Its true ardav, but new things comes out and bumping years old forum isn't beautiful

I agree, but there's a new "what's your fave IDE" every week, or it seems that way. You may have a point, coz I've started using Dreamweaver again, despite rubbishing it in previous polls. I've been introducing some students to web development - in notepad to start, and now they are at a suitable level, I've introduced them to DW. I'll probably move them on to Aptana/Netbeans next year.

Thats great. I think that there should be more developers out there. Increase the knowledge, and understanding in which the internet was borne.

Cakephp, Gedit, jQuery, Aptana.

Cakephp, Gedit, jQuery, Aptana.

How difficult is CakePHP?
I'm about to dump Aptana because I cannot have code completion for some PHP functions (mysql_based) and also no JQuery intellisense in PHP editor. It turns me off. Have you manages past that?

1. Notepad++ or Dreamweaver (I know! But for some reason I have stuck with it)
2. Well I use my own PHP libraries for handling MySQL and I prefer jQuery, but I'm also working on my own JS library!
3. None! Hate frameworks! They make things way too complicated (Besides, why not stick to what I know instead of trying to teach myself Cake Php).
4. Nope....

but I'm also working on my own JS library!.

Are you going to release it to public?

I'm just curious to see what are favorite PHPers in terms of the following:
1. What is your favorite IDE (If you can tell why you love it, it will ice the cake)?
2. What is your favorite JS/PHP libraries (I would love to hear why)
3. What PHP framework do you use?
4. Anything else related?

1. PDT and/or Zend Studio (Little more polished).
2. jQuery
3. Zend Framework

Frameworks seemed like overkill when i first started looking at them. But, once I got into more advanced projects frameworks really shined.

Notepad++ all the way. I might look into Netbeans since I use it anyway for Java, but Notepad++ is so much more lightweight.

I use (g)Vim 7.2, no "IDE" comes close to how powerful it is :)

jQuery for small JS projects(Extremely well built, huge community, excellent documentation), Ext for large JS projects (same reasons). I don't tend to use many pre-built PHP libraries save Doctrine.

When I used a framework I used Symfony

Are you going to release it to public?

When I finish my site I might, but it's not really a high priority right now with the Holidays.

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