I am having trouble getting my if/elses to do what they should. It's probably something dumb that I'm overlooking. Can anyone help?

		$db = new connectDB();
		$db->username = "";
		$db->password = "";
		$db->hostName = "";
		$db->dbName = "";
		$rf_username = $_POST['homePageReg_username'];
		$rf_email = $_POST['homePageReg_email'];
		$rf_validateEmail = new validateEmail();
		$rf_validateEmail->email = $rf_email;
		//check_email_address returns false if the email address doesnt pass validation.
				$tempPw = setPw();
				$rf_register = new registerUser();
				$rf_register->username = $rf_username;
				$rf_register->password = $tempPw;
				$rf_register->email = $rf_email;
				//compareUsernames returns false if either the username of email is already in the database.
						$activate = new activationEmail();
						$activate->username = $rf_username;
						$activate->email = $rf_email;
						//username taken
				//invalid Email

The problem is that even when I enter invalid emails or duplicate usernames it still just returns to index.php5?regSuccess=1. It doesn't enter the data into the database or send the email though. So it works, it just doesnt send the user to the right page after the script runs.

a header() call does not end the script. Always place exit; after a header() call if you don't want anything else to execute after it.

// do some stuff
header('Location: blah.php');
// this stuff gets executed too
header('Location: blah2.php'); // user is now redirected to blah2.php
// this stuff doesn't get executed
header('Location: blah3.php'); // never gets here, the user already left the page
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