hi all

i just have this error when i import my backup database :

You attempted to load file with unsupported compression (application/zip). Either support for it is not implemented or disabled by your configuration.

one week later i export my database as zip file by phpMyadmin
but when i restore it error happen , i extract sql file that inside zip file and import it and done successfully ( in office pc) , but in my laptop when i work at home (error not solved yet)

error message talk about "disabled by your configuration." but i don't how to change configuration to accept zip file as backup file

Could you please use clear English? I'm not quite sure what you are asking. Make sure you elaborate on the details of your problem including how to reproduce the problem and what exactly happens.

sorry for my language , the problem happen when i want to restore my database backup ,this message appear :
"You attempted to load file with unsupported compression (application/zip). Either support for it is not implemented or disabled by your configuration."

my backup file extension is "zip"
backup way : "phpMyadmin interface" in "wamp server"

Oh ok! I get it now...well it appears that the version of PHP your using doesn't have ZIP compression enabled. Your going to need to head into your PHP.ini file and check some settings. You can find it in:

(Install folder) (PHP Version)

Once you open that file, search for this line (or something similar to it):


Replace that line with this:


That should enable ZIP compression and decompression in PHP and allow PhpMyAdmin to restore your backup DB.

thankx FlashCreations it's work

where can i find php.ini in my cpanel?

where can i find php.ini in my cpanel?

You will find it in your cpanel -> PHP Config

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