This is a code for my radio station schedule, which works well, no error messages:

//connect to mysql
//change user and password to your mySQL name and password
//select which database you want to edit

//select the table
$result = mysql_query("select * from schedule order by ID");

//grab all the content
   //the format is $variable = $r["nameofmysqlcolumn"];
   //modify these to match your mysql table columns
echo "

  <li class=''>

    <h4><span>$airtime</span> $show</h4>
    <a href='http://' class='more'>More about $showinfo1</a>


However, what I'm trying to achieve with the <li> bit is like this:

<li class="">

<h4><span>MIDNIGHT</span> <a href="http://">Presenter1</a></h4>


<a href="http://" class="more">More about Presenter1</a>

<img src="http://" alt="Image" />

<li class="alt">

<h4><span>6:00 AM</span> <a href="presenter2.php">Presenter2</a></h4>


<a href="http://" class="more">More about Presenter2</a>

<img src="http://" alt="Presenter2" />


yet I am not sure how to do this in the above file (which, by the way, is included in my radio station schedule pages).

How would I be able to do it so it was
li class=
li class="alt"
like the example above within my echo statement?

All help is appreciated - I have tried to do this, but can't figure out how to get it to work!

You want a different class for the even and odd rows ? Use a counter in the while loop (initialized by zero), and increment it at the end.

You can then use:

$class = ($counter % 2) == 0 ? '' : 'alt';

and use $class in the echo. (it is either empty, or alt.)

I tried your code, and put $class into the echo like this:

$counter = 2;
   $class = ($counter % 2) == 0 ? '' : 'alt';

echo "

  <li class='$class'>

yet it displays:

<li class=''>

<h4><span>MIDNIGHT</span> <a href="http://">Presenter1</a></h4>


<a href='http://' class='more'>More about Presenter1</a>

<img src="myimage.jpg" alt="test">


<li class=''>

<h4><span>6:00 AM</span> <a href="http://">Presenter 2</a></h4>

<p>Presenter 2 description</p>

<a href='http://' class='more'>More about Presenter 2</a>


How do I get this to work properly, what values should I use?

Thanks for the initial suggestion, I'd never thought of it before!

Before the while: $counter = 0; Before the echo, only the $class = ... Just before the close bracket of the while: $counter++;

Is this correct?:

$counter = 0;
   $class = ($counter % 2) == 0 ? '' : 'alt';
echo "

  <li class='$class'>

    <h4><span>$airtime</span> $show</h4>
    <a href='' class='more'>More about $showinfo1</a>

  $result = mysql_query("select * from schedule order by ID");
  $counter = 0;
    $class = ($counter % 2) == 0 ? '' : 'alt';
    echo "<li class='$class'><h4><span>$airtime</span> $show</h4><p>$showinfo</p><a href='http://' class='more'>More about $showinfo1</a>$image</li>";

How would I use it with this code:

<tr class="rowOdd">
			<td width="15%" style="padding:2px;">12:00AM</td>
			<td width="15%" style="padding:2px;">1:00AM</td>
			<td width="70%" style="padding:2px;"><a href="/showdj.php?id=1" target="_top">Presenter</a></td>

		<tr class="rowEven">
			<td width="15%" style="padding:2px;">1:00AM</td>
			<td width="15%" style="padding:2px;">6:00AM</td>
			<td width="70%" style="padding:2px;"><a href="/showdj.asp?id=2" target="_top">Presenter</a></td>

where it's RowOdd and RowEven for the values (note $airtime, $airtime1 and $show are the variables in this case).

$class = ($counter % 2) == 0 ? 'rowEven' : 'rowOdd';

echo "<tr class='$class'><td>$airtime</td><td>$airtime1</td><td><a>$show</a></td></tr>";

I think you can fill in the details yourself.

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