How to replace one backslash with two?
This code doesn't work:

$msg = str_replace("\","\\",$msg);

PHP will two backslashes insert into database as one.
If is there one backslash it will return a parse error.

How to replace one backslash with two?
This code doesn't work:

$msg = str_replace("\","\\",$msg);

PHP will two backslashes insert into database as one.
If is there one backslash it will return a parse error.

change your double quotes " to single ticks '

Not working.
I still get the parse error.

$msg = str_replace('\','\\',$msg);

with this?

alternatively since you are escape your backslash you could use 4 \ on the second one.

also try

$msg = str_replace('\','\\\\',$msg);

I think that one will work. I'm drunk and no php here, but the 2nd should work

Not working.
When i put:

$msg = str_replace('anything','\\\\',$msg);

it works but when i put

$msg = str_replace('\','\\\\',$msg);

it doesn't work.

the first \ is an escape character. so put 2 of them.


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