I need to save the values printed in a html table from the database in a CSV file if requested by user. I've only managed to save the header of the table so far.
The MySql query is made in a page called reportclient.php which then calls phpReportGen.php in order to nicely diplay the data.
This is phpReportGen.php where I try to save the data in "Report.csv" located on the server:
class phpReportGenerator
var $mysql_resource;
var $header;
var $foolter;
var $fields = array();
var $cellpad;
var $cellspace;
var $border;
var $width;
var $modified_width;
var $header_color;
var $header_textcolor;
var $header_alignment;
var $body_color;
var $body_textcolor;
var $body_alignment;
var $surrounded;
function generateReport()
$this->border = (empty($this->border))?"0":$this->border;
$this->cellpad = (empty($this->cellpad))?"1":$this->cellpad;
$this->cellspace = (empty($this->cellspace))?"0":$this->cellspace;
$this->width = (empty($this->width))?"100%":$this->width;
$this->header_color = (empty($this->header_color))?"#FFFFFF":$this->header_color;
$this->header_textcolor = (empty($this->header_textcolor))?"#000000":$this->header_textcolor;
$this->header_alignment = (empty($this->header_alignment))?"left":$this->header_alignment;
$this->body_color = (empty($this->body_color))?"#FFFFFF":$this->body_color;
$this->body_textcolor = (empty($this->body_textcolor))?"#000000":$this->body_textcolor;
$this->body_alignment = (empty($this->body_alignment))?"left":$this->body_alignment;
$this->surrounded = (empty($this->surrounded))?false:true;
$this->modified_width = ($this->surrounded==true)?"100%":$this->width;
//echo "modified_width : ".$this->modified_width."<br>";
if (!is_resource($this->mysql_resource))
die ("User doesn't supply any valid mysql resource after executing query result!");
* Lets calculate how many fields are there in supplied resource
* and store their name in $this->fields[] array
$field_count = mysql_num_fields($this->mysql_resource);
$i = 0;
while ($i < $field_count)
$field = mysql_fetch_field($this->mysql_resource);
$this->fields[$i] = $field->name;
$this->fields[$i][0] = strtoupper($this->fields[$i][0]);
* Now start table generation
* We must draw this table according to number of fields
echo "<b><i>".$this->header."</i></b>";
echo "<P></P>";
//Check If our table has to be surrounded by an additional table
//which increase style of this table
if ($this->surrounded == true)
echo "<table width='$this->width' border='1' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'><tr><td>";
echo "<table width='$this->modified_width' border='$this->border' cellspacing='$this->cellspace' cellpadding='$this->cellpad'>";
echo "<tr bgcolor = '$this->header_color'>";
// $out="";
//Header Draw
for ($i = 0; $i< $field_count; $i++)
//Now Draw Headers
echo "<th align = '$this->header_alignment'><font color = '$this->header_textcolor'> ".$this->fields[$i]."</font></th>";
$out .="\" ";
$out .= $this->fields[$i].'"'.',';
$out .= "\n";
echo "</tr>";
//Now fill the table with data
while ($rows = mysql_fetch_row($this->mysql_resource))
echo "<tr align = '$this->body_alignment' bgcolor = '$this->body_color'>";
for ($i = 0; $i < $field_count; $i++)
//Now Draw Data
echo "<td><font color = '$this->body_textcolor'> ".$rows[$i]."</font></td>";
if (preg_match('/href="([^"]*)"/i', $rows[$i] , $regs))
{ $result = $regs[1];}
else { $result = "No URL Found";}
$out .= "\"".$result.'"'.',';
$out .= "\"".$rows[$i].'"'.',';
//if ($i<>$field_count-1) $out .= ',';
$out .= "\n";
echo "</tr>";
echo "</table>";
if ($this->surrounded == true)
echo "</td></tr></table>";
echo "csv:". $out;// this prints out correctly
$f = fopen ('Report.csv','w');
fputs($f, $out);
echo "<br /><br />";
echo"<form action=\"\" method=\"post\" name=\"textform\">";
echo "<br /><br />";
echo"<input name=\"download\" type=\"submit\" id=\"download\" value=\"Download\"><br /><br />";
echo"<a href='report.php' style=\"text-decoration:none\">"."<< Back"."</a\>";
if ($_POST['download'])
And download.php:
header("Pragma: no-cache");
header('Expires: 0');
header('Cache-control: private');
header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0');
header('Content-Description: File Transfer');
header('Content-Type: application/vnd.ms-excel');
header('Content-disposition: attachment; filename="Report.csv"');
// send output