
i am trying to turn this code:

strOutput += "<input type=hidden name=\"amount\" value=\""+ moneyFormat((fTotal + fShipping + fTax)) + "\">";

into a html form line:
<input type=hidden name="amount" value="??????????">

im not sure what i shud be putting in the value bit.

can anybody help



This is the PHP forum. Please post this in the DHTML/Javascript forum. Or Forum Moderator, please move this post.

Taken from W3Schools

For buttons, reset buttons and submit buttons: Defines the text on the button.

For image buttons: Defines the symbolic result of the field passed to a script.

For checkboxes and radio buttons: Defines the result of the input element when clicked. The result is sent to the form's action URL.

For hidden, password, and text fields: Defines the default value of the element.

Note: Cannot be used with type="file"

Note: This attribute is required with type="checkbox" and type="radio"

Basically, the value field is only needed in 2 cases:
1. You wanna put a "default" value for a textfield
2. You are going to pass some default values to an script (ASP,PHP) defined in the form's action attribute

If you're just playing around with javascript, then likely you wont need it for now, I hope thats clear to you


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