jasystweb 0 Newbie Poster

I've been working on a class which when called pulls images (the actual byte) from one table and then the corresponding product information from another table in a MYSQL database.

I then create a dynamic set of controls and add them to the layout. I wanted to place all the information into a UL/LI listing for sake of ease when styling with CSS/ Making it collapse and still be organized if all scripts/css fail to load.

'//Quick and dirty example.
Dim CreateLayout (byRef somePanel as Panel) as Panel

Dim aspUL as new literal
aspULs.text = "<ul>"

Dim somelabel as new label
somelabel.text = "Item1"

Dim aspULe as new literal
aspUL.text = "</ul>"

Return somePanel
End function

This is just a dirty example of how I'm doing. This works and produces the result I want but I'm sure this isn't the proper way of doing things.

Any thoughts... is using literals in this fashion going to cause me problems in the future or do I have the right idea? Is there any other way to generate the ul/li tags dynamically from code behind?