I am trying to build a web application where users can review new projects each week. I have built an asp page with a table that is filled with summary information from a database about each project. I have included an onclick event in each cell that opens a detail popup window based on the innerHTML. For instance, there is a short description column. A more detailed description is viewed by clicking in the cell:
onclick="window.open('DescriptionDetail.asp?ShortDescription=' +innerHTML )
This works pretty well for most cells. However, there is one cell that could have a comma-delimited string of people in it. The cell is filled by this code:
<% strPeople = ""
SQLPeople = "Select * FROM T_People WHERE [OP_ProjNo] = " & vNo &";"
Set RSTPeople = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
RSTPeople.Open SQLPeople, DB_ConnectionString
Do Until RSTPeople.EOF
strPeople = strPeople + RSTPeople("OP_PartyName") & ", "
Set RSTPeople = Nothing
If right(strPeople, 2) = ", " then
strPeople = Left(strPeople, (Len(strPeople) - 2))
End If
<%Response.Write strPeople%></td>
I am looking for a way that the user can click on one person in the string to open a detail window about just that one person.
I appreciate any guidance that I can get.