Hi all
First thing is that i am new to php and i could get stuck on one semicolen.
OK here is the code that i have problem with and the problem is that results given to both the query are same for some reason and i cant figure it out and i will also post the include file:

//fittings 1"--------------------------------------------
include ("./php_includes/seperator.inc");
echo "<tr>
      <td style='border-style:none; border-width:medium; ' colspan='3'>
      <b><font size='4' face='Arial' color='#969493'><A NAME='Fitting1'>Handrail Pipe Fittings 1.315' ( IPS 1' )
      &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </font></b>
      <font size='2' face='Arial' color='#969493'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
      <a href='#Catalog' style='text-decoration: none'><font color='#969493'>
      Back To Top</font></a></font></b></td>
$query2 = "SELECT * FROM Fittings_1";
$result2 = mysql_query($query2)
	or die("Info on your zipcode not found");
$nrow2 = mysql_num_rows($result2);

if ($nrow2 == '0')
	include ("./php_includes/no_item_table.inc");
	for ($i=0;$i<$nrow2;$i++)
		$row2 = mysql_fetch_array($result2);
		extract ($row2);

//fittings 1.66"---------------------------------------------
include ("./php_includes/seperator.inc");
echo "<tr>
      <td style='border-style:none; border-width:medium; ' colspan='3'>
      <b><font size='4' face='Arial' color='#969493'><A NAME='Fitting16'>Handrail Pipe Fittings 1.660' (IPS 1-1/4' )
      &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </font></b>
      <font size='2' face='Arial' color='#969493'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
      <a href='#Catalog' style='text-decoration: none'><font color='#969493'>
      Back To Top</font></b></td>
$query3 = "SELECT * FROM Fittings_166";
$result3 = mysql_query($query3)
	or die("Info on your zipcode not found");
$nrow3 = mysql_num_rows($result3);

if ($nrow3 == '0')
	include ("./php_includes/no_item_table.inc");
	for ($i=0;$i<$nrow3;$i++)
		$row = mysql_fetch_array($result3);
		extract ($row3);


echo "<tr>
      <td width='120' style='border-style:none; border-width:medium; '>
      <img border='0' src='$Picture'>
      <td style='border-style:none; border-width:medium; ' valign='top'>
      <font face='Arial' size='2'>$Name<br>
      <font color='#800000'>Item# $Item_num
      Shipping Cost is NOT included. Shipped through UPS.<br>
      <a onClick=\"window.open('./description/$item_num.html', 'newwindow', 'height=720,width=520,toolbar=no,menubar=no,scroolbar=no,resizable=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no'); return false;\" style=\"text-decoration: none\" href=\"http://www.eezs.com\">
      <font color='#800000'>Item Description Click Here</font></a></font></td>
      <td style='border-style:none; border-width:medium; ' valign='top' width='150'>
      <form action=Srry Cant reaveal' method='post'>
      <font color='#800000' face='Arial' size='2'>Price: $ $Price
	<font face='Arial'>
	<input type='submit' value='Order Now'></font></p>

also you can go to eezs.com/test to see where ther problem is and info there is incorrent in data wise
Problem exist on the web at where the catagory Handrail Pipe Fittings 1.315' ( IPS 1' ) and Handrail Pipe Fittings 1.660' (IPS 1-1/4' ) is...

Are you sure it is returning a result? I don't think an empty result will cause it to die. So what I mean is that for some reason there is no result for either query, therefore they are the same result...


OK i fineally found where the problem is if you see you will see that in the second part of the code; in the for loop there should have been row3 instead of row.

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