Hello Everybody...
From last three days i m posting my queries but no one take it seriously, please if u people dont mind than plz help me....
i m be very thankful in future.

In my database i have 6 fields and through html form i requested only three of them, particualrs, debit and credit which is already correct and work properly. But now my question is that how i can insert the sum_of_debit , sum_of_credit and balance (sum_of_credit - sum_of_debit) without using the html form just using of queries.

|particulars| debit | credit | sum_of_debit | sum_of_credit| balance |
| abc | 25 | 30 | 25 | 30 | 5 |
| xyz | 15 | 40 | 40 | 70 | 30 |
| | | | | | |
| | | | | | |

***With Best Reg@rds***

why you are using sum_of_debit, sum_of_credit columns as it holds same value as debit and credit column.

If you want to automatically insert balance, then post your insert query code. you need to modify your insert query for auto updation and without html values.

table design seems wrong
as a transaction table there should be no totals
as a totals table there should be no transactions
there is no indexed column to link it to the customer table
what are you actually trying to accomplish

why you are using sum_of_debit, sum_of_credit columns as it holds same value as debit and credit column.

If you want to automatically insert balance, then post your insert query code. you need to modify your insert query for auto updation and without html values.

thanks on replying...

Dear i actually wana that after the multiple values of debit or credit first add on each row then display the whole figure on the balance field, so that way i created the above mentioned fields, if u have proper idea to solve without using the sum_of_debit and sum_of_credit, then plz share it with me.....


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