Can anyone share a resource (download or a how-to) for parsing a CSV to an associative array based on the first row of the CSV acting as the column names?

I found this resource but can't make heads or tales about the second parameter sent to the function.

In case you're unsure what I am speaking of, look at this.

CSV file

would explode to

array (
 [0] => John,
 [1] => Smith,
 [2] => 555-1212

With the appropriate script, I want to take

CSV file

would explode to

array (
 [firstName] => John,
 [LastName] => Smith,
 [homePhone] => 555-1212

Good of you to take time to read this.

if you KNOW what to expect in cells 0,1,2 etc you can do a for next loop which creates an associative array with the names corresponding to the numeric array.

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