How do we make a function where after 5 minutes, there is an update query.

I did this. Ok, so what you do is make a table called website or something, and give it a unix timestamp. Then whenever time() < $websitetable, run the query, than in the same if statement update the column update_time to equal strtotime("+5 minutes"). That way, it will update it every 5 minutes.

time function?

how do we set a time, cause I dont want to display a time cause it's not the correct time

Also, could you give me an example of the above statement you showed? thanks

Sure, I'd be glad too!

if(time() < $websitearray['update_time']) {
      mysql_query("YOUR QUERY HERE");
      mysql_query("UPDATE website SET update_time = '".strtotime("+5 minutes")."'");

Just implement that right into your code. Enjoy ^_^

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