please help me! i just installed wampserver2 in my laptop. i want to make my website accessible in another computer which is NOT inside my network. i am inside a wireless network. i put online my wamp and then when i type my WAN ip address in my address bar, it is directed in the page of my router. how can i properly make my website accessible by my mates in other areas?

You need to forward the ports to you webserver. I'm guessing port 80.

It depends on your router how you do this.

I'm assuming you have a wireless router like a Linksys or D-Link, in which case the firewall is probably blocking incoming requests.
You must configure your "router" to forward requests on port 80 (http) to the address of your laptop.
You should set your laptop to have a static IP address or you'll have to redo the "forward to" address if ever it changes.
On my router (a D-Link) the settings are found in the Port Fowarding page.

I'm assuming you have a wireless router like a Linksys or D-Link, in which case the firewall is probably blocking incoming requests.

Its not blocking anything, it just does not know how to route traffic.

wow yes i made it thank u very much! :)

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