FROM fb.order
LEFT JOIN item  on
	order.item_name = item.item_name
WHERE fb.order.order_status = 'Served' and tab_name='A'

I have two different tables "order" and "item" which i joined using left join.

In order table there is a column name called quantity and in item table, there is a column called price.

What i need to do is multiply the quantity from order with the price from item then get a total value.

There will be several order records added together for the final sum...

Can anyone point me, how to code the counting part in php.

why don't you use PHP?

You could alter your SELECT statement to explicitly name the columns you want in your result set (instead of *) and include a calculated column which you would specify something like this:

SELECT order.item_name, order.quantity, item.price, order.quantity*item.price AS value 
FROM fb.order
LEFT JOIN item  on
	order.item_name = item.item_name
WHERE fb.order.order_status = 'Served' and tab_name='A'

(But then in PHP you would need to accumulate the value for each row in a variable to get your total value.)

BTW maybe it's not a good idea to name your table 'order' because it is a MySQL reserved word.

yeah try use name "order_table" or etc, don't use only "order"

Thanks you guys, I already change the table name from order to order_item. And figured out the calculation myself.

Once again thanks for the help...

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