I am super new at coding PHP, and ive gotten this to work in the past, but for some reason it isn't working now. Can someone tell me what im doing wrong. Thank you so much in advance!
$email = $_POST['email'];
$firstname = $_POST['firstname'];
$lastname = $_POST['lastname'];
$addressone = $_POST['addressone'];
$addresstwo = $_POST['addresstwo'];
$creditcard = $_POST['creditcard'];
$city = $_POST['city'];
$state = $_POST['state'];
$zip = $_POST['zip'];
$creditcard = $_POST['creditcard'];
$cvc = $_POST['cvc'];
$month = $_POST['month'];
$year = $_POST['year'];
$billingagree = $_POST['billingagree'];
$design = $_POST['design'];
$billingone = $_POST['billingone'];
$billingtwo = $_POST['billingtwo'];
$city2 = $_POST['city2'];
$state2 = $_POST['state2'];
$cardtype = $_POST['cardtype'];
$cardname = $_POST['cardname'];
$gender = $_POST['gender'];
$postmark = $_POST['postmark'];
$letter = $_POST['letter'];
$postmark2 = $_POST['postmark2'];
$verify = $_POST['verify'];
$gift = $_POST['gift'];
$lastyeargift = $_POST['lastyeargift'];
$extranotes = $_POST['extranotes'];
$accomplishments = $_POST['accomplishments'];
$ToEmail = "email@myemail.com";
$ToSubject = "New Order!";
$body = "First Name: $firstname\n Last Name: $lastname\n Address: \n $addressone\n $addresstwo\n $city, $state $zip\n Wrote their own letter details\n Letter:\n $letter \n Which postmark: $postmark \n Details for us to write the letter: \n Gender: $gender \n Gift they want this year: $gift \n Last years gift: $lastyeargift \n Accomplishments this year: \n $accomplishments \n Extra notes: \n $extranotes \n Which postmark: $postmark2 \n Do they want a proof: $verify \n Billing Information: \n Name on Card: $cardname \n Card Type: $cardtype \n Card Number: $creditcard \n CVC: $cvc \n Expires: $month, $year \n Billing Address (If different from Shipping Address): \n $billingone \n $billingtwo \n $city2, $state2 $zip2 \n Email: $email \n Did they agree to the billing terms: $billingagree";
$headers .= "Content-type: text; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n";
$headers .= "From:"email@myemail.com"\r\n";
echo "Thank you for your order $cardname!<br>You will receive an email at $email when we charge your credit card. Remember that the transaction will come across on your credit card statement as PAYPAL *HENRYS PET TA.";
mail($ToEmail,$ToSubject,$body, $headers);