i have write a html code in dreamweaver
i just make built in table in a form, by 4 coloumn and 2 row
1st row for the titling of part in row below
each coloumn of second row containing 3-4 radio button that each radio button representation a value number (i want 0 (zero) including in the value)..
purpose this radio button is when checked in all coloumn (one radio button in one coloumn) in four coloumn results a number in textfield result.
its working when radio button value not number 0 (zero) :
example :
radiobutton coloumn 1, checked on value= 2, RB col 2 checked on value= 2...(all of checked value= 2) and for result in the text field result i get 8. By randoming cheked in each radio button i get the valid number in text field result.
but i need two value 0 (zero) in two coloumn each one, wen i put value = 0 i get results not valid like i want.
can somebody help me, please?