can someone please fix whats wrong with the new problem. i really have no idea how to change it. 2 pages. the problem is when i have the ajax pages and i go to the next page, it doesnt highlight the number im on anymore. and then there was this thing when it highlights another columns or changes it when i specifically have which letter either b, (for background layer) s(for skin) c(clothes) h(hair) and f(for FRONTGROUND/FG) please help heres the pages, i dont know how to get it to highlight one per column like it des on the first page(before i go to the next page by clicking "^".. if u can try the code out for yourself and find the problem. i rreally cant figure it out.

.bg{background-image: url(bg/0.png);height:343px;width:243px}
.skin{background-image: url(skin/0.png);height:343px;width:243px}
.clothes{background-image: url(clothes/0.png);height:343px;width:243px}
.hair{background-image: url(hair/0.png);height:343px;width:243px;background-repeat:no-repeat;}
.fg{background-image: url(fg/0.png);height:343px;width:243px}</style>

<table style="width:600px" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0"><tr><td style="height:343px;width:243px;background:#111111">
<table id="bg" class="bg" style="" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0"><tr><td valign="top">
<table id="skin" class="skin" style="" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0"><tr><td valign="top">
<table id="clothes" class="clothes" style="" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0"><tr><td valign="top">
<table id="hair" class="hair" style="" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0"><tr><td valign="top">
<table id="fg" class="fg" style="" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0"><tr><td></td></tr></table>
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" style="width:357px;height:343px;background:#000000;color:white;font-family:arial;font-size:8pt">
<td onclick="changea('bg', 'url(hair/00.png)')">xbg</td>
<td onclick="changea('skin', 'url(hair/00.png)')">xskin</td>
<td onclick="changea('clothes', 'url(hair/00.png)')">xclothes</td>
 <td onclick="changea('hair', 'url(hair/00.png)')">xhair</td>
<td onclick="changea('fg', 'url(hair/00.png')">xfg</td>

<td onclick="pagea('b', 's')">^</td>
<td onclick="pagea('s', 's')">^</td>
<td onclick="pagea('c', 's')">^</td>
<td onclick="pagea('h', 's')">^</td>
<td onclick="pagea('f', 's')">^</td>



<td><table id="b" style="width:72px" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
<?php $b = "0"; while($b < 20){ ?>
<tr><td id="b<?php echo $b; ?>" onmouseover="'#555555'" onmouseout="'#000000'" onclick="colour('b<?php echo $b; ?>', 'ssb');changea('bg', 'url(bg/<?php echo $b; ?>.png)')"><?php echo $b; ?></td></tr>
<?php $b++; } ?>

<td><table id="s" style="width:71px" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
<?php $s = "0"; while($s < 20){ ?>
<tr><td id="s<?php echo $s; ?>" onmouseover="'#555555'" onmouseout="'#000000'" onclick="colour('s<?php echo $s; ?>', 'sss');changea('skin', 'url(skin/<?php echo $s; ?>.png)')"><?php echo $s; ?></td></tr>
<?php $s++; } ?>

<td><table id="c" style="width:71px" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
<?php $c = "0"; while($c < 20){ ?>
<tr><td id="c<?php echo $c; ?>" onmouseover="'#555555'" onmouseout="'#000000'" onclick="colour('c<?php echo $c; ?>', 'ssc');changea('clothes', 'url(clothes/<?php echo $c; ?>.png)')"><?php echo $c; ?></td></tr>
<?php $c++; } ?>

<td><table id="h" style="width:71px" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
<?php $h = "0"; while($h < 20){ ?>
<tr><td id="h<?php echo $h; ?>" onmouseover="'#555555'" onmouseout="'#000000'" onclick="colour('h<?php echo $h; ?>', 'ssh');changea('hair', 'url(hair/<?php echo $h; ?>.png)')"><?php echo $h; ?></td></tr>
<?php $h++; } ?>

<td><table id="f" style="width:72px" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
<?php $f = "0"; while($f < 20){ ?>
<tr><td id="f<?php echo $f; ?>" onmouseover="'#555555'" onmouseout="'#000000'" onclick="colour('f<?php echo $f; ?>', 'ssf');changea('fg', 'url(fg/<?php echo $f; ?>.png)')"><?php echo $f; ?></td></tr>
<?php $f++; } ?>

<td onclick="pagea('b', 'a')">^</td>
<td onclick="pagea('s', 'a')">^</td>
<td onclick="pagea('c', 'a')">^</td>
<td onclick="pagea('h', 'a')">^</td>
<td onclick="pagea('f', 'a')">^</td>



<script type="text/javascript">
function pagea(pidea, wha){var pideas = "p" + pidea;var sendea = document.getElementById(pideas).value;
if(wha == "s"){sendea--;}else{sendea++;} document.getElementById(pideas).value=sendea;
var queryString = "?page=" + sendea + "&varea=" + pidea;
	var ajaxRequest;  // The variable that makes Ajax possible!
	try{ajaxRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();} catch (e){try{ajaxRequest = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");} catch (e) {try{ajaxRequest = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");} catch (e){alert("Your browser broke!");return false;}}}
	ajaxRequest.onreadystatechange = function(){
		if(ajaxRequest.readyState == 4){var ajaxDisplay = document.getElementById(pidea);
			ajaxDisplay.innerHTML = ajaxRequest.responseText;}}"GET", "" + queryString, true);
	ajaxRequest.send(null);  }

function colour(sos, punk){
var valeu = document.getElementById(punk).value;
function changea(idea, imagea) {
        document.getElementById(idea).style.backgroundImage = imagea;

<form><input type="hidden" id="ssb" value="ssb"><input type="hidden" id="sss" value="sss"><input type="hidden" id="ssc" value="ssc"><input type="hidden" id="ssh" value="ssh"><input type="hidden" id="ssf" value="ssf">

<input type="hidden" id="pb" value="0"><input type="hidden" id="ps" value="0"><input type="hidden" id="pc" value="0"><input type="hidden" id="ph" value="0">
<input type="hidden" id="pf" value="0">

the ajax page is really simple, its the thing that runs and once i click on the output td's it doesnt freakin save my spot with the greyed out numbers AKA COLOUR() FUNCTION

<?php $page = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET[page]);
$varea = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET[varea]);
if($varea = "b"){$k = "bg";}
if($varea = "s"){$k = "skin";}
if($varea = "c"){$k = "clothes";}
if($varea = "h"){$k = "hair";}
if($varea = "f"){$k = "fg";}
else{} ?>
<?php $x = $page * 20; $stop = $x + 20;while($x < $stop){ ?>
<tr><td id="<?php echo $varea.$x; ?>" onmouseover="'#555555'" onmouseout="'#000000'" onclick="colour('<?php echo $varea.$x; ?>', 'ss<?php echo $varea; ?>');changea('<?php echo $k; ?>', 'url(<?php echo $k; ?>/<?php echo $x; ?>.png)')"><?php echo $x; ?></td></tr>
<?php $x++; } ?>

Perhaps you should use properly write your programs, instead of scrambling it up, putting everything right next to eachother? Use more enters to seperate each line.

No one will voluntairly read through someone else's code which is poorly written and try to figure out what the hell he is trying to accomplish with it. If you could isolate the problem and post small pieces of it which causes the problem, then perhaps we would.


I don't have PHP installed in my computer. Also, as Graphix said, your code is very messy and very difficult to read. One thing I would point out is that you assign a new 'text' string into innerHTML of a 'table' tag? I am not sure it will work well with IE. If you are using ajax to change content, you should call other functions that you want to use right after your page is ready from ajax call.

yeah well i dont care about ie and my code is fine. its all of it thats a problem thats why i asked someone to test it. its really simple once u est t.

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