I am reading a xml file and saving the data in array.But I am not able to use the array values later.I have declared everything as global. When I put an alert(myData[3]); I am getting "undefined".Please help.

Below is my code:

function modify_data(xml)
    phone = $(this).find('phone').text();
        email = $(this).find('email').text();
    name = $(this).find('name').text();
    myArray_name[n]= name;


Did you remember to initialize n to zero somewhere? Did you remember to use dataType: "xml" in your jQuery ajax options?

Did you remember to initialize n to zero somewhere? Did you remember to use dataType: "xml" in your jQuery ajax options?

I forgot to initialize n to zero,now it is working.

Glad to help.

PS: Be sure to mark the thread as solved.

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