I'm using RapidSVN to access the SVN repository for a project I'm part of. When I have an existing instance of Eclipse open and try to open a new file from RapidSVN I get a message from Eclipse saying, "Workspace in use or cannot be created, choose a different one."

Is there an Eclipse argument I can use to tell it to open the specified file in the current workspace? I have tried 'eclipse -data /workspace/path /file/to/open' and I get a message saying, "Could not launch the product because the associated workspace is currently in use by another Eclipse application.".

thanks for any help,

OS? Close and open?
Sorry I use Netbeans

I already have code open in Eclipse. I want to add another tab in the existing instance of Eclipse that is open.

btw it's on Ubuntu Linux 10.04.


May be Eclipsers will help, I have no Idea as I set aside Eclipse loong ago in favor of NB

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