What is the best script and/or class to parse an XML file from an ASP page?

Here is a class that parse the RSS XML.

'| RSS Content Feed VBScript Class 1.0		 |
'| © 2004 www.tele-pro.co.uk				   |
'| http://www.tele-pro.co.uk/scripts/rss/	  |
'| The RSSContentFeed Class makes it easy to   |
'| download and display RSS XML feeds.		 |
Class RSSContentFeed
'declare class variables
Private classname
Private xml_URL  
Private xml_data   
Private StrResultsXML 
Private StrCachePath
Private Strchannel
Private Strtitle
Private Strlink
Private Strdescription
Private StrRSSVersion  
Private imgTitle 
Private imgUrl 
Private imgLink 
Private eBayAPIURL
Private eBayAPISandboxURL
Private imgBuyItNow  
Public eBayTime 'date  
Private iTotalResults
Private icacheDays
Private iMaxResults
Private imgWidth
Private imgHeight 
Private bFromcache
Private Headers
Public Results()
Public Links()
Public Titles()
Public Descriptions()  
Public PubDates()
Public Images()
Public Ids()
'Class Functions
Private Sub Class_Initialize
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate  
  'empty the cache
  'empty the dict
  If IsObject(Headers) Then
	Set Headers = Nothing
  End If
End Sub
Public Sub Initialize 
  'set constant values 
  classname = "RSSContentFeed"
  eBayAPIURL = "https://api.ebay.com/ws/api.dll" 
  eBayAPISandboxURL = "https://api.sandbox.ebay.com/ws/api.dll"   
  imgBuyItNow = "http://pics.ebaystatic.com/aw/pics/promo/holiday/buyItNow_15x54.gif"
  'set object vars
  xml_URL = ""
  xml_data = ""
  StrCachePath = "" 
  icacheDays = 1
  iMaxResults = 15
  'clear result vars
  Set Headers = Createobject("Scripting.Dictionary")
End Sub
Public Sub Clear 
  'Clear search variables
  iTotalResults =0  
  bFromcache = false  
  Strlink = ""
  Strtitle = ""
  Strdescription = ""
  'channel image
  imgTitle = ""   
  imgUrl = ""	 
  imgLink = ""   
  imgWidth = 0 
  imgHeight = 0 
  eBayTime = ""
  ReDim Results(1)
  ReDim Links(1)
  ReDim Titles(1)
  ReDim Descriptions(1)  
  ReDim PubDates(1)
  ReDim Images(1)
  ReDim Ids(1)
End Sub
'Public Properties - Readonly
'show the copyright info
Public Property Get Version
  Version = "XML RSS Content Feed VBScript Class Version 1.0 " & VbCrLf & _
			"© 2004 www.tele-pro.co.uk"
End Property
Public Property Get TotalResults
  TotalResults = iTotalResults
End Property
Public Property Get CacheCount
  CacheCount = CacheContentCount(StrCachePath)
End Property
Public Property Get Fromcache
  Fromcache= (bFromcache = true)
End Property
Public Property Get ChannelLink
  ChannelLink= Trim(Strlink)
End Property
Public Property Get ChannelTitle
  ChannelTitle= Trim(Strtitle)
End Property
Public Property Get ChannelDescription
  ChannelDescription = Trim(Strdescription)
End Property  
Public Property Get ChannelImgURL
  ChannelImgURL = Trim(imgURL)
End Property  
Public Property Get ChannelImgTitle
  ChannelImgTitle = Trim(imgTitle)
End Property  
Public Property Get ChannelImgLink
  ChannelImgLink = Trim(imgLink)
End Property  
Public Property Get ChannelImgWidth
  ChannelImgWidth = CLNG(imgWidth)
End Property
Public Property Get ChannelImgHeight
  ChannelImgHeight = CLNG(imgHeight)
End Property
Public Property Get ResultsXML
  ResultsXML = Trim(strResultsXML)
End Property
Public Property Get RSSVersion
  RSSVersion = Trim(strRSSVersion)
End Property
'Public Properties - settable
'show the xml_URL 
Public Property Get ContentURL
  ContentURL = Trim(xml_URL)
End Property
'set the xml_URL 
Public Property Let ContentURL(ByVal vContentURL)
  vContentURL = Trim(vContentURL)
  'add protocol if necessary
  If inStr(LCASE(vContentURL), "<A href="http://")=0">http://")=0 Then
	vContentURL = "http://" & vContentURL
  End if
  xml_URL = Trim(vContentURL)
End Property
Public Property Get PostData
  PostData = Trim(xml_data)
End Property
Public Property Let PostData(sxml_data)
  xml_data = Trim(sxml_data)
End Property 
Public Property Get Cache
  Cache = Trim(StrCachePath)
End Property
Public Property Let Cache(ByVal sCache)
  StrCachePath = ""
  If Trim(sCache)<>"" Then
	If Not DExists(sCache) Then 
	  ErrRaise "SetCache" , "Cache folder does not exist " 
	  'rem last slash
	  If (Mid(sCache, LEN(sCache), 1) = "\") Then
		sCache = Mid(sCache, 1, LEN(sCache)-1)
	  End If 
	  'add slash 
	  StrCachePath = Trim(sCache) & "\"	  
	End If	
  End If
End Property
Public Property Get CacheDays
  CacheDays = CLNG(iCacheDays)
End Property
Public Property Let CacheDays(iDays)
  iCacheDays = CLNG(iDays)
End Property
Public Property Get MaxResults
  MaxResults = CLNG(iMaxResults)
End Property
Public Property Let MaxResults(vMaxResults)
  iMaxResults = CLNG(vMaxResults)
End Property
'Public Functions
'Delete items in Cache
Public FUNCTION DeleteCache()
  If (Trim(StrCachePath)<>"") Then
	DeleteCache = DeleteCacheContent(StrCachePath, icacheDays)
  End If
'add header for http request
Public FUNCTION AddHeader(str_hdr, str_val)
  'add header to dict for http request
  If Not (Headers.Exists(Trim(str_hdr))) Then 
	Headers.Add Trim(str_hdr), Trim(str_val)
	Headers(str_hdr) = Trim(str_val)
  End If
'transform xml with xsl
Public FUNCTION Transform(str_xslt)
  If Trim(StrResultsXML)="" Then Exit Function
  If Trim(str_xslt)="" Then Exit Function
  'Load XML
  Dim x
  set x = CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument")  
  x.async = false  
  x.setProperty "ServerHTTPRequest", True  
  'path or url?
  If (inStr(str_xslt, "http")=1) Then 'url
	  Dim tmpStr
	  tmpStr = getResults(str_xslt)
	If (inStr(str_xslt, "\")=0) Then 'needs mapping
	  str_xslt = Server.MapPath(str_xslt) 
	End if  
  End if  
  x.resolveExternals = False
  If (x.parseError.errorCode <> 0) Then
	ErrRaise "Transform", "XML error: " & x.parseError.reason 
  End If 
  str_xslt = x.xml
  Transform = TransformXML(StrResultsXML, str_xslt)  
'retrieve the value of a node
Public FUNCTION XMLValue(str_node)
  If Trim(StrResultsXML)="" Then Exit Function
  XMLValue = GetNodeText(str_node, StrResultsXML)
'construct amazon rss url and call getrss function
Public Function GetAmazonRSS(t, devt, kwd, mode, bcm)
If Trim(t) = "" Then
  ErrRaise "GetAmazonRSS", "Associate tag must be set"
  Exit Function
End if
If Trim(devt) = "" Then
  ErrRaise "GetAmazonRSS", "Developer token must be set"
  Exit Function
End if
If Trim(kwd) = "" Then
  ErrRaise "GetAmazonRSS", "KeywordSearch token must be set"
  Exit Function
End if
If Trim(mode) = "" Then
  mode = "books"
End if
'set amazon vals
xml_url = "http://xml-na.amznxslt.com/onca/xml3" & _
	"?t=" & Trim(t) & _
	"&dev-t=" &Trim(devt) &  _
	"&KeywordSearch=" & Trim(kwd) & _
	"&mode=" & Trim(mode) & _
	"&bcm=" & Trim(bcm) &  _
	"&type=lite" & _
	"&page=1" & _
	"&ct=text/xml" & _
	"&sort=%2Bsalesrank" & _
  GetAmazonRSS = GetRSS()
End Function
'main function
Public Function GetRSS()
  'clear search
  'check xml_URL
  If Trim(xml_URL) = "" Then
	ErrRaise "GetRSS", "ContentURL must be set"
  End if
  'get results from web or cache 
  Dim soapResults, soapResultsStd  
  soapResults = getResults(xml_URL)  
  'Dump the results into an XML document.
  Dim Res
  Set Res = CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument")  
  Res.async = false 
  'set the global xml string
  StrResultsXML = Trim(soapResults) 
  soapResultsStd = DeSensitize(soapResults)   
  Res.setProperty "ServerHTTPRequest", True
  Res.loadXML soapResultsStd
  Res.resolveExternals = False	
  If (Res.parseError.errorCode <> 0) Then
	ErrRaise "GetRSS", "XML error: " & Res.parseError.reason 
  End If	
  'set the global xml string to the xml formatted string
  If Trim(soapResultsStd) = Trim(soapResults) Then 
	StrResultsXML = Trim(Res.XML)  
  End If
  Dim Node, Nodes   
  'get RSS  Version
  StrRSSVersion = ""
  Set Nodes = Res.selectNodes("//rss")
  For Each Node In Nodes		  
	on error resume next 
	strRSSVersion = Node.getAttribute("version")
	on error Goto 0			  
  if (Trim(strRSSVersion)="") Then 
	Set Nodes = Res.selectNodes("//eBay")
	For Each Node In Nodes  
	  strRSSVersion = "eBay"	   
  end if
  if (Trim(strRSSVersion)="") Then
	Set Nodes = Res.selectNodes("//rdf:RDF")
	For Each Node In Nodes		  
	  on error resume next 
	  strRSSVersion = Node.getAttribute("xmlns") 
	  If Trim(strRSSVersion) = "http://purl.org/rss/1.0/" Then 
		strRSSVersion = "1.0"
	  End If
	  on error Goto 0			  
  end if
  if (Trim(strRSSVersion)="eBay") Then 
	Set Nodes = Res.selectNodes("//eBayTime")
	For Each Node In Nodes  
	  eBayTime = Node.Text	  
  end if
  'set the size of arrays to the max results
  Dim c
  'get the size
  Set Nodes = Res.selectNodes("//item")  
  For Each Node In Nodes
	If (c<iMaxResults) Then
	  c = c + 1
	End If
  'set the size
  ReDim Results(c-1)
  ReDim Links(c-1)
  ReDim Titles(c-1)
  ReDim Descriptions(c-1)
  ReDim PubDates(c-1)
  ReDim Images(c-1)
  ReDim Ids(c-1)
  'get item content   
  'declare results strings
  Dim res_URL
  Dim res_title
  Dim res_desc
  Dim res_date
  Dim res_img
  Dim res_id
  Dim CurrencyId, CurrentPrice, BidCount
  'Parse the XML document.
  For Each Node In Nodes
  If (c<iMaxResults) Then
	'clear the strings
	res_URL = ""
	res_title = ""
	res_desc = ""
	res_date = ""
	res_img = ""
	res_id = ""
	CurrencyId = ""
	CurrentPrice = ""
	BidCount = ""
	'retrieve the values
	on error resume next	
	res_URL = Trim(Node.selectSingleNode("link").Text)
	res_title = Trim(Node.selectSingleNode("title").Text)
	res_desc = Trim(Node.selectSingleNode("description").XML) 
	'amazon from custom xsl   
	res_img = Trim(Node.selectSingleNode("imgS").Text) 
	res_id = Trim(Node.selectSingleNode("Asin").Text)
	on error goto 0
	'or it might be a dc:description tag
	If (Trim(res_desc)="") Then	
	  on error resume next
	  res_desc = Trim(Node.selectSingleNode("dc:description").XML)
	  on error goto 0
	End If 
	res_desc = Replace(res_desc, "<description>", "")
	res_desc = Replace(res_desc, "</description>", "")
	'or it might be ebay
	If (strRSSVersion = "eBay") Then
	If (Trim(res_desc)="") Then
	  'get ebay data
	  on error resume next		
	  CurrencyId = Trim(Node.selectSingleNode("CurrencyId").Text)
	  CurrentPrice = Trim(Node.selectSingleNode("CurrentPrice").Text)
	  BidCount = Trim( Node.selectSingleNode("BidCount").Text)	
	  res_img = Trim(Node.selectSingleNode("ItemProperties//GalleryURL").Text)
	  res_id = Trim( Node.selectSingleNode("Id").Text) 
	  on error goto 0 
	  res_desc = res_desc & "<b>"
	  res_desc = res_desc & eBayCurrencySymbolFromID(CurrencyId)
	  res_desc = res_desc & Trim(CurrentPrice) & "</b> ("
	  res_desc = res_desc & Trim(BidCount) & " bids) " & VbCrLf
	  'construct description
	  on error resume next   
	  If Trim(Node.selectSingleNode("ItemProperties//BuyItNow").Text)="1" Then		
		res_desc = res_desc & " &nbsp;<a href="""
		res_desc = res_desc & res_URL
		res_desc = res_desc & """><img align=""absmiddle"" border=""0"" src="""  
		res_desc = res_desc & imgBuyItNow
		res_desc = res_desc & """ alt=""Buy It Now""></a>" & VbCrLf		
	  End If   
	  on error goto 0	
	End If 
	End If '(strRSSVersion = "eBay") 
	'optional tags
	on error resume next
	res_date = Node.selectSingleNode("pubDate").Text  
	If (Trim(res_date)="") Then
	  res_date = Node.selectSingleNode("EndTime").Text 
	End If		   
	on error goto 0
	if Trim(res_URL)<>"" Or _ 
	   Trim(res_title)<>"" Or _ 
	   Trim(res_desc)<>"" then 
		'its a result, add to array
		Results(c) = c
		Links(c) = res_URL
		Titles(c) = res_title 
		Descriptions(c) = res_desc
		PubDates(c) = res_date		
		Images(c) = res_img		 
		Ids(c) = res_id 
		c=c+1 'inc counter			
	End If					 
  End If					 
  'get channel content 
  Set Nodes = Res.selectNodes("//channel")
  For Each Node In Nodes	  
	on error resume next
	Strlink = Node.selectSingleNode("link").Text
	Strtitle = Node.selectSingleNode("title").Text
	Strdescription = Node.selectSingleNode("description").Text
	on error Goto 0			  
  'get image
  Set Nodes = Res.selectNodes("//image")
  For Each Node In Nodes   
	on error resume next
	imgTitle = Node.selectSingleNode("title").Text
	imgUrl = Node.selectSingleNode("url").Text
	imgLink = Node.selectSingleNode("link").Text
	imgWidth = Node.selectSingleNode("width").Text
	imgHeight = Node.selectSingleNode("height").Text
	on error Goto 0			  
  'release objects
  Set Nodes  = Nothing  
  Set Res = Nothing
  'return count
  iTotalResults = c
  GetRSS = c	
End Function
Private Function DeSensitize(Istr)
  Dim str
  str = Istr
  str = Replace(str, "<Item>", "<item>", 1, -1, 1)
  str = Replace(str, "<Link>", "<link>", 1, -1, 1)
  str = Replace(str, "<Title>", "<title>", 1, -1, 1)
  str = Replace(str, "</Item>", "</item>", 1, -1, 1)
  str = Replace(str, "</Link>", "</link>", 1, -1, 1)
  str = Replace(str, "</Title>", "</title>", 1, -1, 1) 
  DeSensitize = str
End Function
Public Function ItemHTML(iNumber)
  Dim r_URL, r_title, r_description, r_pubdate
  If (iTotalResults=0) Then
	ErrRaise "ItemHTML", "There are no items"
	Exit Function
  End If
  If (iNumber>=iTotalResults) Then
	ErrRaise "ItemHTML", "Item index out of bounds"
	Exit Function
  End If
  r_URL = Links(iNumber)
  r_title= Titles(iNumber)
  r_description = Descriptions(iNumber)
  r_pubdate = PubDates(iNumber)
  ItemHTML = Trim(FormatResult(r_URL, r_title, r_description, r_pubdate))
End Function
Private Function FormatResult(h, t, d, p)
  Dim str
  str = ""
  str = str & "<b><a href=""" & h & """>" & t & "</a></b> <br/> " & VbCrLF
  If (Trim(d) <> "") Then str = str & Shorten(d, 25, "...") & "<br/>" & VbCrLF
  str = str & "<a href=""" & h & """>" & h & "</a>" & VbCrLF
  If (Trim(p) <> "") Then str = str & "<br/>" & p & VbCrLF  
  FormatResult= Trim(str)
End Function
'Private Functions
Private Function ErrRaise(f, e)
  Err.Raise vbObjectError+1001, classname, f & ": " & e
End Function 
Private Function GetXMLResults(q)
  GetXMLResults = XmlHttp( (q), xml_data, Headers)  
End Function
'get results from cache or from web	
Private FUNCTION qCheckSum(d)
	'quick checksum
	Dim chks
	chks = 0
	Dim x
	For x = 1 To LEN(d)
	  chks = chks + ( (ASC(Mid(d, x, 1))) * (x Mod 255) )
	qCheckSum = CLNG(chks)
End Function
'get results from cache or from web	
Private FUNCTION getResults(q)
  Dim res, a
  a = CacheFileName(q & xml_data)
  res = ""
  If (Trim(StrCachePath)<>"") Then res = ReadFile(a)   
  If (Trim(res) = "") Then
	res = getXMLResults(q) 
	'after many problems passing string straight back
	'writing and reading back solved the problem	 
	Dim b
	b = Server.MapPath("_rss_content_feed_class_1_tmp.txt")  
	Call DelFile(b)	
	Call Write2File(b, res)
	res = ReadFile(b)  
	Call DelFile(b)	
	If (Trim(StrCachePath)<>"") Then Call Write2File(a, res)	 
	bFromcache = False  
	bFromcache = True  
  End if
  getResults = res
Private FUNCTION CacheFileName(n)
  Dim cn
  Dim cd
  cn = qCheckSum(n) 
  cd = DomainFromUrl(n)
  cn = StrCachePath & cd & "~" & cn & ".xml"
  CacheFileName = cn
Private Function DomainFromUrl(sText)
  Dim nIndex
  If (LCase(Left(sText, 7))) = "http://" Then sText = Mid(sText, 8)
  If LCase(Left(sText, 8 )) = "https://" Then sText = Mid(sText, 9)
  nIndex = InStr(sText, "/")
  If (nIndex > 0) Then sText = Left(sText, nIndex - 1)
  DomainFromUrl = sText
End Function
Private FUNCTION CacheContentCount(cache)
  CacheContentCount = 0
  If Trim(cache)="" Then Exit FUNCTION 
  If Not DExists(cache) Then Exit FUNCTION   
  CacheContentCount = CLNG(FolderCount(cache))
Private FUNCTION DeleteCacheContent(cache, age)
  If Trim(cache)="" Then Exit FUNCTION
  If Not DExists(cache) Then Exit FUNCTION
  'count cache
  Dim a
  a = CacheContentCount(cache)
  Dim fs
  Set fs = Createobject("Scripting.FileSystemobject") 
  Dim oFolder
  Set oFolder = fs.GetFolder(cache)
  Dim oFile
  For Each oFile in oFolder.Files  
	If (age <= (Int(Now() - oFile.DateLastModified))) Then
	  oFile.Delete True 
	End If
  Set fs = Nothing
  Set oFolder = Nothing  
  'count cache
  a = (CLNG(a) - CLNG(CacheContentCount(cache)))
  DeleteCacheContent = CLNG(a)
'Retrieve response and return HTML response body
Public Function XmlHttp(xAction, data, hdrs)
  Dim HTTP, Raw
  Set Http = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
  if (Trim(data) <> "") then
	Http.open "POST", xAction, FALSE
	'add post hdr
	if (inStr(data, "<?xml")=1) then
	  Http.setRequestHeader "Content-Type","text/xml"
	  Http.setRequestHeader "Content-Type","application/x-www-form-urlencoded"	 
	end if
	Http.setRequestHeader "Content-Length",Len(data)
	Http.open "GET", xAction, FALSE
  end if
  'get headers from the dict
  If IsObject(hdrs) Then
	Dim hdr
	For Each hdr in hdrs
	  Http.setRequestHeader Trim(hdr), Trim(hdrs(hdr))
  End If
  Http.send (data)
  Raw = http.responseText
  Set Http = Nothing
  XmlHttp = Raw
End Function
Private Function DExists(d) 'true if file exists
  Dim fso
  Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
  DExists = fso.FolderExists(d)
  Set fso = Nothing
End Function
Private Function FExists(d) 'true if file exists
  Dim fso
  Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
  FExists = fso.FileExists(d)
  Set fso = Nothing
End Function
Private Function DelFile(f)
  If Trim(f)="" Then Exit FUNCTION  
  Dim fso
  Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
  if FExists(f) then fso.DeleteFile(f)
  Set fso = Nothing
End Function
Private FUNCTION FolderCount(dir)
  If Trim(dir)="" Then Exit FUNCTION  
  Dim fs
  Set fs = Createobject("Scripting.FileSystemobject") 
  Dim oFolder
  Set oFolder = fs.GetFolder(dir)
  FolderCount = oFolder.Files.Count  
  Set fs = Nothing
  Set oFolder = Nothing  
Private Function Write2File(afile,bstr)
  Dim wObj, wText
  if afile="" Then EXIT FUNCTION
  Set wObj = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
  Set wtext = wObj.OpenTextFile(afile, 8, True)
  Dim nCharPos, sChar
  For nCharPos = 1 To Len(bstr)
	sChar = Mid(bstr, nCharPos, 1)
	On Error resume next  '<-- **** Error handing starts ****
	wtext.Write sChar
	On Error Goto 0	   '<-- ***** Error handing ends *****
  Set wtext = Nothing
  Set wObj = Nothing
End Function
Private Function ReadFile(fpath)
  Dim fObj, ftext, fileStr  
  Set fObj = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
  If fObj.FileExists(fpath) Then
	Set ftext = fObj.OpenTextFile(fpath, 1, FALSE)
	fileStr =""
	WHILE NOT ftext.AtEndOfStream
	  fileStr  = fileStr  & ftext.ReadLine & chr(13)
	fileStr = ""
  End if
  ReadFile= fileStr
End Function
Public Function Shorten(sentence, wds, addifShortened)
  Dim ret
  ret = Trim(sentence)
  Dim ar
  ReDim ar(1)
  ar = Split(ret)
  ret = ""
  Dim c 
  For c = 0 To UBOUND(ar)
  If c < wds Then
	ret = ret & " " & ar(c)
  End If 
  ret = Trim(ret)
  If Trim(ret) <> Trim(sentence) Then
	ret = ret & addifShortened
  End If 
  Shorten = ret
End Function 
Private FUNCTION GetNodeText(str_node, str_xml)
  Dim tmpString
  tmpString = Trim(str_xml)
  'declare an xml object to work with
  dim xmldoc
  set xmldoc = CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument")
  xmldoc.async = False
  xmldoc.setProperty "ServerHTTPRequest", True
  'attempt to load from str
  xmldoc.resolveExternals = False
  If (xmldoc is Nothing) Or (Len(xmldoc.text) = 0) then
  End If
  'attempt to get Node Text
  Dim currNode
  tmpString = ""  
  Set currNode = xmlDoc.documentElement.selectSingleNode(str_node) 
  On Error Resume next
  tmpString = Trim(currNode.Text)
  On Error Goto 0  
  Set currNode = Nothing
  GetNodeText = Trim(tmpString)
'Transform XML with XSL string
Private FUNCTION TransformXML(xml, xslt)
  'Load XML
  Dim x
  set x = CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument")  
  x.async = false
  x.setProperty "ServerHTTPRequest", True
  x.resolveExternals = False
  If (x.parseError.errorCode <> 0) Then
	  ErrRaise "TransformXML", "XML Parse error: " & x.parseError.reason 
  End If 
  'Load XSL
  Dim xsl
  set xsl = CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument")  
  xsl.async = false
  If (xsl.parseError.errorCode <> 0) Then
	  ErrRaise "TransformXML", "XSL Parse error: " & xsl.parseError.reason 
  End If 
  'Transform file
  TransformXML = (x.transformNode(xsl))
'get the ebay xml api response
Public FUNCTION GeteBayRSS(eBayVerb, eBayToken, eBayParam1, ebaySiteId, bProduction)
' eBayVerb: GetSearchResults | GetSellerList | GetCategoryListings
' eBayToken: http://developer.ebay.com/tokentool/Credentials.aspx
' eBayParam1: Search query, Seller Id or Category Id
' ebaySiteId: ebay SiteId
' bProduction: Production or Sandbox
  If Trim(eBayVerb) = "" Then
	ErrRaise "GeteBayRSS", "eBayVerb must be set"
	Exit Function
  End if
  If Trim(eBayToken) = "" Then
	ErrRaise "GeteBayRSS", "eBayToken must be set"
	Exit Function
  End if
  If Trim(ebaySiteId) = "" Then
	ebaySiteId = "0"
  End if
  bProduction = (bProduction=True)
  Headers.Add "X-EBAY-API-DETAIL-LEVEL", "0" 
  Headers.Add "X-EBAY-API-CALL-NAME", eBayVerb
  Headers.Add "X-EBAY-API-SITEID", ebaySiteId 
  If (bProduction) then	
	xml_URL = eBayAPIURL	
	xml_URL = eBayAPISandboxURL
  End If	  
  xml_data = eBayCreateRequestXML(eBayVerb, eBayToken, eBayParam1, ebaySiteId, iMaxResults)
  GeteBayRSS = GetRSS()
'construct the ebay soap request xml
Private FUNCTION eBayCreateRequestXML(UserVerb, UserToken, qry, SiteId, UserMaxResults)
  Dim xml
  xml = ""
  xml = xml & "<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""iso-8859-1""?>" & VbCrLf
  xml = xml & "<request xmlns=""urn:eBayAPIschema"">" 
  xml = xml & "<RequestToken>" & UserToken & "</RequestToken>" & VbCrLf
  xml = xml & "<SiteId>" & SiteId & "</SiteId>" & VbCrLf
  xml = xml & "<DetailLevel>0</DetailLevel>" & VbCrLf
  xml = xml & "<ErrorLevel>1</ErrorLevel>" & VbCrLf
  xml = xml & "<MaxResults>" & UserMaxResults & "</MaxResults>" & VbCrLf
  xml = xml & "<Verb>" & UserVerb & "</Verb>" & VbCrLf
  SELECT Case LCASE(UserVerb)
	Case "getsearchresults":
	  xml = xml & "<Query>" & qry & "</Query>" & VbCrLf
	Case "getsellerlist":
	  xml = xml & "<UserId>" & qry & "</UserId>" & VbCrLf
	  xml = xml & "<ItemsPerPage>" & UserMaxResults & "</ItemsPerPage>" & VbCrLf
	  xml = xml & "<PageNumber>1</PageNumber>" & VbCrLf
	  xml = xml & "<EndTimeFrom>2002-01-01 00:00:01</EndTimeFrom>" & VbCrLf
	  xml = xml & "<EndTimeTo>2020-01-01 00:00:01</EndTimeTo>" & VbCrLf
	Case "getcategorylistings":
	  xml = xml & "<CategoryId>" & qry & "</CategoryId>" & VbCrLf	  
  xml = xml & "</request>" & VbCrLf
  eBayCreateRequestXML = Trim(xml)
Public FUNCTION eBayTimeLeft(eBayEndTime)
  Dim eBayOfficialTime  
  eBayOfficialTime = eBayTime
  If eBayOfficialTime="" Then Exit Function  
  eBayOfficialTime = Replace(eBayOfficialTime, "GMT", "")  
  eBayEndTime = Replace(eBayEndTime, "GMT", "") 
  Dim TimeLeft, TimeLeftD, TimeLeftH, TimeLeftM
  TimeLeft = DateDiff("n", eBayOfficialTime, eBayEndTime)  
  If TimeLeft<0 Then 
	eBayTimeLeft = "Ended " 
	TimeLeftD = Int(TimeLeft/( 60 * 24))
	TimeLeftH = Int((TimeLeft - (TimeLeftD * 60 * 24)) / 60)
	TimeLeftM = Int(TimeLeft - (TimeLeftD * 60 * 24) - (TimeLeftH * 60) )	 
	eBayTimeLeft = TimeLeftD & "d " & TimeLeftH & "h " & TimeLeftM & "m " 
  End If 
Private FUNCTION eBayCurrencySymbolFromID(sym)
  Dim res, s
  res= ""
  s = trim(Sym)
  If (s= "") Then Exit FUNCTION
  If Not IsNumeric(s) Then Exit FUNCTION
  s = CLNG(s)
	case 1: res="$"
	case 2: res="C $"
	case 3: res="GBP"
	case 5: res="AU $"
	case 7: res="EUR"
	case 8: res="FRF"
	case 31: res="NLG"
	case 13: res="CHF"
	case 41: res="NT $"
  eBayCurrencySymbolFromID = Trim(res)
End Class

Here is the examle how to use that class.

<%= getXML("file.xml","file.xsd") %>

file.xsd is the style in which the xhm should be transformed to html.

This class also deals with Ebay API.

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