Hi friends I am working on a project where I need to show results based upon user queries.I have created the pages,but results are not showing.as I am new to php I can't figure where the problem is. Here is the code

<head><title>Showing Results</title></head>
<body bgcolor="#666666">
include_once "connection.php";
$select_query="SELECT * FROM `deed_records` WHERE '".$_REQUEST['select']."'='".$_REQUEST['value']."' ";
echo "<table border='1'>
	<th>Name of Owner</th>
	<th>S/D/H Of Owner</th>
	<th>Address of Owner</th>
	<th>Name of Vendor</th>
	<th>Deed No</th>
	<th>Reg Date</th>
	<th>Rack No</th>
	<th>Due Rs.</th>
	<th>Delivery Date</th>
	echo "<tr>

the two variable values are passed from another page

Line 9 -> You put quotes around the column name, also it is a bit vague what you mean with $_REQUEST , why are you using the same value as column name?

The select query is formatted as following:

SELECT * FROM table WHERE column='value'

Echo your query and check whether it is correct, for example by copying it and then paste it into PHPMyAdmin and then execute it to see what is wrong.


The name of a database, table and/or field/column, needs to be enclosed in backticks (`), NOT apostrophes('). You incorrectly used apostrophes. Try:
$select_query="SELECT * FROM `deed_records` WHERE `".$_REQUEST."`='".$_REQUEST."' ";

Also, use [B]... or die( mysql_error() );[/B] whenever you execute a query so you get details about the error (if any).

<head><title>Showing Results</title></head>
<body bgcolor="#666666">
include_once "connection.php";
$select_query=sprintf("SELECT * FROM `deed_records` WHERE `%s`='%s'"
                        , mysql_real_escape_string($_REQUEST['select'])
                        , mysql_real_escape_string($_REQUEST['value'])

$list=mysql_query($select_query) or die( sprintf('Unable to execute query:<br />%s<br />%s',$select_query, mysql_error() ) );
if( 0==mysql_num_rows($list) )
    echo '<p>No records found</p>';
    echo "<table border='1'>
    <th>Name of Owner</th>
    <th>S/D/H Of Owner</th>
    <th>Address of Owner</th>
    <th>Name of Vendor</th>
    <th>Deed No</th>
    <th>Reg Date</th>
    <th>Rack No</th>
    <th>Due Rs.</th>
    <th>Delivery Date</th>
        echo PHP_EOL."<tr>

Thanks 'hielo' and 'graphix'. But it didn't work after correcting ``. what I want to do is use the column name and value - variable. Can you please suggest any 'query'

on line 13 of my previous post put: echo $select_query; what do you get? What is the HTML code you are using on the page you are posting FROM?

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