aww. i'm so sorry for posting again. i have so many questions. i'm so sorry. ahm. i was just wondering if my code is possible if ever i'm going to insert a remarks to my database.
here is my code:
if(totalg <= 5.00 && totalg >= 4.51){
else(totalg <= 4.50 && totalg >= 3.51){
$remark=Very Satisfactory;}
else(totag <= 3.50 && totalg >= 2.51){
else(totalg <= 2.50 && totalg >= 1.51){
else(totalg <= 1.50 && totalg >= 1.00){
$remark=Needs Improvement;}
i think it's possible but i have this parse error. i don't know where. please and thank you so much. :)