I am using Tiny MCE as a Textbox to get user generated input which can be bold, italic, underlined, lists and different alignments.
When the user submits the form data the information is then saved to a variable like below:
$jobDesc = mysqli_real_escape_string ($dbc, $trimmed['txtJobProfile']);
The I take the input and put it into a session like below:
$_SESSION['jobProfile'] = $jobDesc;
I then call it on the next page but all I get is:
"\r"\n"\r"this is a test\r"\"n
Now what I want to do is to display the user input so that it displays as normal text,lists, and left alignmnets, so that there is no HTML showing, no \"r or \n.
So how do I go about formating the text ready to be displayed properly and also insert it into a database and then select and output it on other pages at different times ?