Ok, here we go again. I am trying to use sessions to keep track of how many times a user guesses at a number. All of the code works fine except for the counter at the top. I am not aware of how to start a counting session and get it to count the number of times the user guesses. It either comes back as 2 or the value does not get passed along. (Depending on how I have my code set up at the time)Even if you point me to a resource that has an example that would be a huge help. Thanks.

<?php session_start();
      $_SESSION['number'] = $_GET['number'];
      $counter = $_GET['count'];
      if (!isset($counter))
      	$_SESSION['count'] = 0;
      	$counter = $_SESSION['count'] + $_GET['count'];

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File: guessingGame.php

Author: Nathanael Potoski

Date: 10/28/10

Description: Lets the user guess the number and shows them how many tries it took.




    $count = 0;
    if (!isset($_SESSION['number']))
    	print "<h3>Please pick a number between 1 and 25</h3>
 <form action=\"guessingGame.php\" method=\"get\">
      <select name=\"number\">
      </select> <br /><br />
      <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"count\" >
 <input type=\"submit\" value=\"Guess\" />
    elseif ($_SESSION['number'] == 6)
    	print "Congratulations! You got the number! ".$_SESSION['number']."<br />";
    	print "You picked $counter times.<br />";
    	print '<form action="guessingGame.php" action="get">
    	      <input type="hidden" name=\"finish\" value="True">
    	      <input type="submit" value="Finish"';
    elseif ($session['number'] != 6)
    	print "Sorry, please pick again.";
    	print "<h3>Please pick a number between 1 and 25</h3>
 <form action=\"guessingGame.php\" method=\"get\">
      <select name=\"number\">
      </select> <br /><br />
      <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"count\" >
 <input type=\"submit\" value=\"Guess\" />


did you try this changing this code

if (!isset($counter))
      	$_SESSION['count'] = 0;
      	$counter = $_SESSION['count'] + $_GET['count'];

to this

if (!isset($counter))
      	$_SESSION[$counter] = 0;
      	$counter = $_SESSION[$counter] + $_GET[ $counter];

No, you need the single quotes inside to denote that those are values that you are receiving. Without them you just have gibberish that php doesn't understand. Thanks, though.

Try the following:

<?php session_start();
      $_SESSION['number'] = $_GET['number'];
      if (!isset($_SESSION['count']))
      	$_SESSION['count'] = 0;
$counter = $_SESSION['count'];

But be sure to delete cookies before testing so you have a fresh start and new sessions.

Ok, that got my counting done. Thank you tons! But now I am having a problem clearing my session. What they give me in the book is FAR from clear for a self processing file. Here is what I have in my session section:

<?php session_start();
         $_SESSION['number'] = $_GET['number'];
         if (!isset($_SESSION['count']))
      	   $_SESSION['count'] = 0;
      	   $_SESSION['count'] ++ ;
         $counter = $_SESSION['count'];


And here is what is supposed to be sending the clear signal to the first IF statement:

print "Congratulations! You got the number! ".$_SESSION['number']."<br />";
    	print "You picked $counter times.<br />";
    	print '<form action="guessingGame.php" action="get">
    	      <input type="submit" value="Finish"
    	      <input type="hidden" name=\"finish\" value="true">';

So the question is, what am I doing wrong? Am I calling functions out of order?

Try this:

<?php session_start();
         $_SESSION['number'] = $_GET['number'];
         if (!isset($_SESSION['count']))
      	   $_SESSION['count'] = 0;
      	   $_SESSION['count'] ++ ;
         $counter = $_SESSION['count'];

ok, I got the counting to work, but for some reason, no matter how I arrange the code or what I put in the code, it will not erase the session. =(

<?php session_start();

      if($_GET['finish'] == 'true')
      	$_SESSION = array();
      	setcookie('PHPSESSID', '', time()-300);
        $number = $_GET['number'];
         if (!isset($_SESSION['count']))
      	   $_SESSION['count'] = 0;
      	   $_SESSION['count'] ++ ;
       	   $_SESSION['rand'] = rand(1,25);


Try adding this to your html form and your code should then work.

<input type="hidden" name="finish" value="true">
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