I have the following code:
window.addEvent('domready', function() {
$$('.navigation li a').each(function(el) {
var fx = new Fx.Tween(el, { duration: 200, link: 'cancel' });
el.store('prop', el.getParents('ul')[0].id.contains('splash') ? 'padding-right' : 'padding-left');
'mouseenter': function() { fx.start(el.retrieve('prop'), 3); },
'mouseleave': function() { fx.start(el.retrieve('prop'), 0); }
window.addEvent("domready", function() {
$('splash-navigation').setStyle('right', 0 - $('splash-navigation').getSize().x);
window.addEvent("load", function() {
var x = new Chain();
x.chain(function() { new Fx.Tween('splash-img', { duration: 500 }).start('opacity', 1); });
x.chain(function() { new Fx.Tween('splash-navigation', { duration: 500 }).start('right', 20); });
x.callChain.delay(500, x)
x.callChain.delay(2000, x)
And I want to reduce the file size of my mootools attachment, which parts of the mootools should i only include.
Here is the link of the mootools file I am using.
I am a copy paste coder, so I don't really understand javascript.
Thank you.