I have a very simple PHP script which doesn't work correctly for no reason at all, except that I am cursed:scared:!!
This is my code and then I will give you the retarded error message I am getting!!


<form action="get.php" method="GET">
<input type="text" name="myname"><br>
<input type="submit" value="click here">

$name = $_GET["myname"];
echo "Hello, $name";

this should echo out Hello, and then whatever name you enter but instead it does this when I try and run it in wampserver:
Notice: Undefined index: myname in C:\wamp\www\new 3.php on line 10
Hello, !!:angry:
myname is defined in the second input line of the form action or am I blind????:icon_confused:
I have tried everything to get rid of this ridiculous error message but nothing helps!!:'(
Please if you could tell me what the heck is going on here I would be eternally greatful!!:icon_redface:


<form action="get.php" method="GET">
<input type="text" name="myname"><br>
<input type="submit" value="click here">

$name = $_GET["myname"];
echo "Hello, $name";

'myname' is not an index in the $_GET array prior to the form being submitted.


<form action="get.php" method="GET">
<input type="text" name="myname"><br>
<input type="submit" value="click here">
if( isset( $_GET["myname"] ) ){
    $name = $_GET["myname"];
    echo "Hello, $name";

This simple if statement looks for $_GET to be defined before it tries to execute the code that displays the array item.

I test your code in my local server, it is running fine, but initially showing

I test your code in my local server, it is running fine, but initially showing

"myname" is entered by the user and defined then, so how could I define it initially when no data has been entered yet??:confused:
Either way thanks for taking the time to respond!!:icon_cheesygrin:

I think mschroeder has been already done in his code.

if( isset( $_GET["myname"] ) ){

Thank you but I have already gotten this to work correctly due to an earlier reply!!

That must be the best thread title yet!
"This is retarded!!" Calm Down man!

Thanks and yeah but it was really making no sense to me I absolutely HATE scripting in PHP because no matter what you do all you get is one parse error after another or in this case an undeclared somesuch error!!
I felt like I was going to tear my hair out because you really couldn't ask for a more basic simple script than this and it still would not run correctly!!:icon_cry:
But thanks for the validation of my clownish post title:icon_smile:!!

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> Thanks and yeah but it was really making no sense to me I absolutely HATE scripting in PHP because no matter what you do all you get is one parse error after another or in this case an undeclared somesuch error!!

Yep, I always blame the language when I mess up too. Join the big ego club. :)

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