phpDave 0 Junior Poster

Hello everyone,
I am working on a script that allow users to upload an image. So far it's working except that I created an include file that is supposed to re-size the image. It's not working and I'm not sure why. Any thoughts? Here is the include file script: Thanks!


  // define constants
  define('SOURCE_DIR', 'C:/upload_test/');
  define('THUMBS_DIR', 'C:/upload_test/davek/');
  define('MAX_WIDTH', 120);
  define('MAX_HEIGHT', 90);
  //process the uploaded image
  if (is_uploaded_file($_FILES['image']['tmp_name'][$numbers])) {
	  $original = $_FILES['image']['tmp_name'][$numbers];
// get image name and build full pathname
  if (!empty($_POST['pix'])) {
    $original = SOURCE_DIR.$_POST['pix'];
  else {
    $original = NULL;
  // abandon processing if no image selected
  if (!$original) {
    $result[] = 'No image selected';
  // otherwise resize the image
  else {
    // begin by getting the details of the original
    list($width, $height, $type) = getimagesize($original);
	// calculate the scaling ratio
    if ($width <= MAX_WIDTH && $height <= MAX_HEIGHT) {
      $ratio = 1;
    elseif ($width > $height) {
      $ratio = MAX_WIDTH/$width;
    else {
      $ratio = MAX_HEIGHT/$height;
	// strip the extension off the image filename
	$imagetypes = array('/\.gif$/', '/\.jpg$/', '/\.jpeg$/', '/\.png$/');
    $name = preg_replace($imagetypes, '', basename($original));
	// create an image resource for the original
	switch($type) {
      case 1:
        $source = @ imagecreatefromgif($original);
	    if (!$source) {
	      $result = 'Cannot process GIF files. Please use JPEG or PNG.';
      case 2:
        $source = imagecreatefromjpeg($original);
      case 3:
        $source = imagecreatefrompng($original);
        $source = NULL;
	    $result = 'Cannot identify file type.';
	// make sure the image resource is OK
	if (!$source) {
	  $result = 'Problem copying original';
	else {
	  // calculate the dimensions of the thumbnail
      $thumb_width = round($width * $ratio);
      $thumb_height = round($height * $ratio);
	  // create an image resource for the thumbnail
      $thumb = imagecreatetruecolor($thumb_width, $thumb_height);
	  // create the resized copy
	  imagecopyresampled($thumb, $source, 0, 0, 0, 0, $thumb_width, $thumb_height, $width, $height);
	  // save the resized copy
	  switch($type) {
        case 1:
	      if (function_exists('imagegif')) {
	        $success = imagegif($thumb, THUMBS_DIR.$name.'_thb.gif');
	        $thumb_name = $name.'_thb.gif';
	      else {
	        $success = imagejpeg($thumb, THUMBS_DIR.$name.'_thb.jpg', 50);
		    $thumb_name = $name.'_thb.jpg';
	    case 2:
	      $success = imagejpeg($thumb, THUMBS_DIR.$name.'_thb.jpg', 100);
	      $thumb_name = $name.'_thb.jpg';
	    case 3:
	      $success = imagepng($thumb, THUMBS_DIR.$name.'_thb.png');
	      $thumb_name = $name.'_thb.png';
		if ($success) {
		  $result[] = "$thumb_name created";
	  // remove the image resources from memory
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