
I'm exploring some technologies and JSP with JSF 2.0 and Primefaces seems really cool. I'm new to all of these, but I'm a fast learner. I wondering if I can create the web app I want withh JSP/JSF/Primefaces?

Here's a basic description of the app:
1. Users log in with their username and password (maybe I can somehow incorporate google OPENID)?
2. With a really nice UI, they will be presented a large list of questions specific to a certain category, for example, JSP.
3. When they click on any of these questions, a little input opens up below it to allow the user to put in a link.
4. If the link they enter has the same question on that webpage the URL points to, they will be awarded one point. This question then disappears and gets added to a different page that has a list of all correctly linked questions.
5. On the right side of the screen, there will be a leaderboard with the usernames of the people with the top ten points.

Is this possible with JSP/JSF/Primefaces, or should I be looking elsewhere for a different web technology? The idea is relatively simple - to be able to compile links to external websites for specific questions.

I know I can build the UI easily with Primefaces. What I'm not sure is if JSP/JSF gives the ability to parse HTML at a certain URL to see if it contains words. I can do this with python easily by using urllib.

Any help would be appreciated!!! What would be more helpful than a "Yes" or "No" answer would be links to where I can see sample code of external HTML parsing. Your input is truly appreciated! Thanks!

Users log in with their username and password (maybe I can somehow incorporate google OPENID)?

OpenId4Java (though I haven't used it personally)

What I'm not sure is if JSP/JSF gives the ability to parse HTML at a certain URL to see if it contains words

I think Apache HTTPClient should do the trick when it comes to reading HTTP URL's. For a high level analysis of HTML documents, look at this thread.

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