hey just wondering who do you guys use for your domain names and webhosting i was looking at namecheap
for my domain and hostgator for hosting, there is also go daddy but i heard they can be a pain your feedback
is appreciated thanks.

This is really the wrong place for a thread like this...

But, since I'm already here, domain names are a dime a dozen in my experience. Prices are usually within a couple bucks of one another. Personally most of my domains are registered through 1and1.com these days. Godaddy has a nice interface but to each their own.

As far as hosting goes, you get what you pay for and anyone who tells you differently is full of it. Stay away from unlimited plans as they tend to be a way for hosts to bring in lots of low budget low resource sites and pack them onto a very oversold server. There is a reason HostGator charges $175/m for a dedicated server with hard limited bandwidth and disk space but only charges $5/m for unlimited hosting...

There are good low-budget hosts though. But use your best judgement. No one is going to sell you terabytes of bandwidth and hundreds of gigabytes of space for a few dollars a month.

I recommend checking out www.webhostingtalk.com if you're looking for a very active community built specifically around the very topic of hosting. It is also a great place to find good deals at very reputable hosting companies.

From personal experience one of the best companies I have ever worked with, both shared and dedicated hosting has to be LiquidWeb (www.liquidweb.com) Their support is absolutely top notch and I've sent them some pretty crazy requests from time to time with not even a hesitation on their part. They definitely know their business.

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This is the wrong place but since we're here!

If you are setting up a website that matters at all, then you need to consider availability, server loading / response time, support / services and cost. If you go for low cost, then you are probably sacrificing one or more of the other factors. The savings on a cheap package is pretty insignificant when you consider the hassles you can have with everything else. There are quite a few sites that rate web hosts (and you should look at them) but you have to be careful because they may be getting paid to list the hosting sites. Try to get a recommendation for the same host from at least a couple of these sites before you believe it.

Personally, I have been using ICDSoft for many years and I'm very happy with them. They don't provide a whole lot of frills and they don't promise unlimited bandwidth or disk space or databases but they provide a very solid service and their customer support is great. How much is it worth to get an answer to almost any reasonable question within 10 or 15 minutes or less? Is saving a dollar or two per month on hosting a good trade-off with poorer service? I don't think so.

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