Please hang on with me on this one, I would appreciate any advice or insight please....
I come from a coldfusion background, where setting up a connection to a database (Oracle, MYSQL SQL Server etc) was was easy as filling in a few fields in the datasource screen in the Coldfusion Administrator web app.
Then in the web application to connect to the database I would use <CFQUERY datasource="oracledb" name="test"> and in the body of the application I would write my SQL query and display the results of this query in a <CFOUTPUT>#variablename#</cfoutput> block of code, or to insert data into a db table I would use the
<CFQUERY datasource="oracledb" name="insertdata">
INSERT INTO table (columnname, columnname2, columnname3)
<cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_number" value="#columnname#">,
<cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" value="#columnname2#">,
<cfif isdefined("file.serverFile")>'#file.serverFile#'<cfelse>NULL</cfif>,
How does this process work in .NET? as I have to create a simple web application/form where on submission of the form the data would be stored in a MYSQL database.
Sorry if its a simple question but from what I have seen so far it seems a far more long winded and complicated process with .NET over Coldfusion with ultimately the same result, and I am desperately trying to understand how it works in .NET as surely it must be a similar process to that of Coldfusion?