hi, I'm a web developer and very new to Cold Fusion. I understand its abilities and wanted to show management how data can be tracked for one of our programs. In the code below the employee name, division, branch_section_office, date, and title of meeting are required. After that I would like to have the user click on the radio button "Would you have attended this meeting in person if it required traveling?" if no I'd like the pop-up message of "Please hit the data data submit button below". Does cold fusion have that functionality? thanks so so much!

<cfform action="avoided_travel_action.cfm" method="post" name="avoid_travel"></form>
  <td> Employee Name</td>
  <td> <cfinput name = "employeeName" type="text"
   size ="20" maxlength= "50"  required="yes"/></td>
    <td> Division </td>
    <td> <cfinput name="divisionName" type="text"
    size ="20" maxlength= "50" required="yes"/></td>
    <td> Branch/Section/Office </td>
    <td> <cfinput name="branchSectionOffice" type="text"
    size ="20" maxlength= "50"required="yes"/></td>
    <td> Title of Meeting </td>
    <td> <cfinput name="meetingTitle" type="text"
    size ="20" maxlength= "50"required="yes"/></td>
    <td> Date of Meeting </td>
    <td> <cfinput name="meetingDate" type="text"
    size ="20" maxlength= "50" required="yes"/></td>
<h3> Would you have attended this meeting in person if it required traveling?</h3>
<font face="0Font"></font>
<cfinput type = "Radio"
name = "attend"
value = "Y"  /> Yes
<cfinput type = "Radio"
name = "attend"
value = "N"  /> No


Personally that's too many popup messages for me ;-) But what you're describing is done with javascript, not CF.

You can incorporate the js into your form. You just have to tie it to the right event. Like in your form's OnSubmit() event.

Personally that's too many popup messages for me ;-) But what you're describing is done with javascript, not CF.

You can incorporate the js into your form. You just have to tie it to the right event. Like in your form's OnSubmit() event.

I really appreciate your reply. my programmar husband said the exact same thing you said about the popup boxes! but the manager wanted this put in...maybe I can take this out later. thanks again!

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