I have created a webpage where I use a simple command line tool [oggz-tool] to cut a section of the video. It works fine but the only problem is that when the new file is created, it is owned by www-data and not by the user I created which is history. How can I change this default ownership of the new file without doing it manually everytime?
I have searched and tried various commands like umask and setid but nothing that works for files created through the webpage. Any help would be nice. Thanks.
Here,s the code.
$s = 10;
$e = 55;
system('oggz-chop --start $s --end $e elephant.ogv -o section.ogv',$returnval);
<video src="section.ogv" width="800" height="600" controls>
So I am talking about the output file section.ogv which doesnt get the right permissions.