Hey everyone, I need some advice. I have a simple user form. Name, email, comments, blah blah blah.
Currently for error checking, in my code, if the user inputs something invalid or doesn't fill out a required field, I redirect them to another page that tells them the error, then they have to hit the back button to go back and fix it.
I'd like to make this process a little easier for the user. I've seen forms where if you miss a required field or something, it simply brings the form back up and at the top in red letters will tell you to fill in all the required fields or something, and then have like a red star next to those fields.
I'm sure if I sat around for a few hours I could come up with a real clunky, code-heavy way of doing this, but I was wondering if you all can give me some ideas. An easy way of doing this? I have a moderate understanding of php, so I know most of the basic functions and things. And when I come across one I don't know, I'll learn it, so bring it on.