darshini.dayal 0 Newbie Poster
<% if (this._arr_design.Count > 0) { %>
                <% foreach (Ameronix.Teeone.Models.Design obj_design in this._arr_design) { %>
                  <td style="width: 254px; height: 27px;"><%= obj_design.name_design.ToString() %>
                  <div class="thumbnails">
                  <% foreach (System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<int, Ameronix.Teeone.Models.DesignSection> kvp in obj_design.arr_design_section) { %>
                    <div class="thumbnail"><a href="/snapshots/processed/designs/<%= obj_design.id_design %>_<%= kvp.Value.id_design_section %>.jpg" rel="lightbox"><img src="../resources/get_image.aspx?src=/snapshots/processed/designs/<%= obj_design.id_design %>_<%= kvp.Value.id_design_section %>.jpg&width=50&height=50" /></a></div>

C# Code
 foreach (KeyValuePair<int, DesignSection> kvp2 in obj_design.arr_design_section)
            src = root + ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["path_upload_snapshots"] + kvp.Key.ToString() + "_" + kvp2.Value.name_section + ".jpg";
            dest = root + path + (kvp.Value as CartItem).id_order_detail + "_" + obj_design.id_design.ToString() + "_" + kvp2.Value.id_design_section + ".jpg";
            dest2 = root + ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["path_upload_order"] + "designs/" + obj_design.id_design.ToString() + "_" + kvp2.Value.id_design_section + ".jpg";
              File.Copy(src, dest);
              File.Copy(src, dest2);
            catch (Exception exception) { }

      // If user is just saving the order then send them to their my account page
      if (Request["save_order"] == "true")
        // Update order to saved status
        (Session["obj_cart"] as Cart).update_order(15);

This code is used to display the snapshots of processed images on the page, but the first images is displayed in the place of second one as well.Not able to sort it ..These images r stored in the SQL table.There is a repeat of image.
Have included the neccessary assembly files as well.I dont get a error as such, just the mismatch of images.