Hello all,
I hope that this is in the right place - sorry if it is not.
I have an asp script (which is contained in a .vbs file) that takes info from an XML page and inserts it into a database. I was trying to get the the script to preform a test to see if the xml script contains a certain element - if it does, then enter it into a database.
Here is the code :
Dim XMLDom
Dim ItemID
Dim DbConn
Dim SQLString
Dim ANArticleNode
Dim ANArticleNode2
Dim CollectionOfArticleNodes
Dim CollectionOfArticleNodes2
Dim cst
Set XMLDom = CreateObject("MSXML2.DomDocument.4.0")
XMLDom.async = False
XMLDom.setProperty "ServerHTTPRequest", True
Set DbConn = Createobject("adodb.connection")
DbConn.open "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=test1.mdb"
'-- Load the XML data from your live URL
'-- Create a reference to a collection of all Article Tags within the downloaded XML Document
Set CollectionOfArticleNodes = XMLDom.SelectNodes("InfoStreamResults/Article/Categories/Category")
'-- Iterate the collection of Article Tags
For Each ANArticleNode in CollectionOfArticleNodes
ItemID = ANArticleNode.SelectSingleNode("@ID").text
if ItemID = "430009735" then
set CollectionOfArticleNodes2 = XMLDom.SelectNodes("InfoStreamResults/Article")
Heading = ANArticleNode2.SelectSingleNode("Heading").text
'-- Insert the item into the local database
SQLString = "INSERT INTO test (Heading) " _
& "VALUES('" & EncodeIt(Heading) & "');"
End If
'-- Handles quotations in text
Function EncodeIt(TextString)
TextString = Replace(CStr(TextString), "''", "'")
TextString = Replace(TextString, "'", "''")
EncodeIt = TextString
End Function
And here is the error message I am getting :
Object required: "
any ideas as to what might be the problem here? I really appreciate any input as I have a horrible deadline for this! :o
Thanks folks